Thursday, December 26, 2019
Analysis Of Jane Austens Persuasion - 1576 Words
Perfection in Austen’s Persuasion Jane Austen is know for writing sympathetic but realistically flawed female characters. Elizabeth Bennet is witty but prideful, Emma Woodhouse is well meaning but frightfully un-observant, and overcoming these flaws is what drives these characters’ arcs throughout their respective books. Yet in Austen’s novel, Persuasion, at first, Anne Elliot seems as if she is the perfect woman. She is a woman of â€Å"birth, beauty, and mind,†(Austen 20), she manages to be liked by nearly everyone she meets, and she was the only one to keep a calm head when Louisa fell in Lyme (79). However ideal she may seem though, she is not flawless. Anne Elliot’s greatest fault is that she suffers from a lack of courage and nerve, and†¦show more content†¦Yet besides a simple suggestion that it is the woman’s job to look after the children, Anne doesn’t tell Mary that her behavior is egotistical, and actually uses Mar y’s outburst to avoid seeing Captain Wentworth by suggesting that she herself will look after the child (41). Anne does not challenge Mary’s poor behavior even when it is blatantly selfish and even compromises with her in order to further avoid a different type of confrontation. This is not the only time that one of Anne’s family members acts disagreeable in such an obvious fashion. Her father s character is so shallow that he only cares about looks and rank (4), rarely acts in a way that is not displeasing or ridiculous to the reader, and has overspent all of his money and is now in debt (8). Austen even states that Sir. Walter has â€Å"no affection for Anne,†(175) his own daughter. He goes so far as to make fun of the appearance of a man who served in the navy (15). We as the reader can see that Sir. Walter has no redeemable qualities, and yet Anne does not stand up to him when he disproves of her engagement with Wentworth when she is younger (20). Au sten does say that, â€Å"it might have been possible to withstand her [Anne’s] father’s ill will,†(21) and it is ultimately Lady Russel that convinces Anne to sever the relationship, but young Anne never tries to defend herself against SirShow MoreRelatedA Close Analysis Of Jane Austen s Persuasion1098 Words  | 5 PagesA close analysis of Jane Austen’s Persuasion (Extract 3) Many readers of Persuasion believe Austen uses the namesake â€Å"persuasion†too neutrally. She appears to passively describe the results when the protagonist is persuaded to abandon Wentworth’s first proposal, but actually has much to say on being persuadable, and mainly argues that it is not inherently wrong. 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Jane Austen explores the theme of individuality in her novel, Persuasion. By prizing theory of mind and free indirect discourse, Austen proposes an argument against the dhavni of the time period in which she wrote, England’s Georgian era. Austen suggests individuality and one’s own desires should be valued above those of the surrounding society. Anne Elliot, the main character in Persuasion, contrasts with other characters in the novel. WhileRead MoreFeminism in Northanger Abbey and Persuasion by Jane Austen1940 Words  | 8 PagesFeminism in Northanger Abbey From my point of view, Jane Austen should be seen as a ‘feminist’ writer. As she wrote in one of her novel Persuasion, she considers that ‘Men have had every advantage of us in telling their own story. Education has been theirs in so much higher a degree; the pen has been in their hands. I will not allow books to prove anything’ (Anne Elliot, in Jane Austen’s Persuasion). 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
John Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men - 1614 Words
People may think that calling someone a crazy bastard and constant yelling at someone is harsh and cruel, the opposite of a loving relationship. In one of John Steinbeck s novels,â€Å" Of Mice and Men,†it tells of two main characters, George and Lennie, who travel together in yearning for a brighter future. However, people do not know the real story behind George and Lennie’s unique friendship, a friendship that takes them on some wild adventures only resulting in a heartbreaking ending. From the beginning, George seems to come off as a little brutal and inhumane in the way he speaks to Lennie at times. However, throughout, the story we learn that George truly does care for Lennie and that he holds a special place in George’s heart. It is evident that, through the course of George’s actions in the story, he sincerely wants Lennie to have a better life and not to have the constant worry of his safety being in jeopardy. Even the little things that George d oes like the way he always apologizes to Lennie, ensuring that he will always have a safe place to go whenever danger strikes, and the guarantee of a better life for Lennie through their American dream clearly shows that George wants only the best for him and nothing less. It all begins with the death of Lennie’s Aunt Clara which leaves George to care for Lennie all by himself. Despite Lennie’s short-term memory loss that causes a real burden on George, Lennie also gets himself into some serious troubles that could cost himShow MoreRelatedJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1248 Words  | 5 PagesIn Steinbeck s novel Of Mice and Men, He uses imagery many times to create a realistic setting and plot. Steinbeck’s depiction of migrant workers and their daily complications during the depression are objectively precise due to his use of imagery with idioms, dreams, nature, loneliness and animal imagery. The main theme of the book transpires to be loneliness and fate. While George and Lennie, the main characters have a synergetic relationship, fate steps in and does away with their dreams, whichRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men897 Words  | 4 Pagesthat we possess. Many people feel certain emotions based on events that have t aken place in their lifetime or how they were raised throughout their childhood. In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, he portrays the feelings of isolation and loneliness in three different characters. George’s isolation is illustrated in Steinbeck’s, Of Mice and Men. George expresses many hard feelings towards Lennie at the opening of this story. â€Å"‘’re a lot of trouble,’ said George. ‘I could get along so easy and soRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1243 Words  | 5 Pagesis what John Steinbeck achieves by portraying this through the characters in his novella Of Mice and Men. The main characters are affected by loneliness in their own different way throughout the novella. rf The loneliness is maintained by the challenges that the characters have to face, and they sustain those challenges of being inhumane towards each other. Crook, a figure in the story who experiences discrimination encounters the challenge of race, due to the book’s setting in the 1930’s duringRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1080 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"I want you to stay with me Lennie. Jesus Christ, somebody’d shoot you for a coyote if you was by yourself.†The novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck shows the relationship between two migrant workers in the 1930s, George and Lennie, along with the other members on the new ranch that they began working on. Georgie and Lennie dreamed of following the American Dream and owning their own patch of land and the novel revolves around the dream and the obstacles that stand in their way. Lennie, a strongRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1286 Words  | 6 PagesThe realistic fiction novella O f Mice And Men by John Steinbeck explains the journey of two migrant farm workers. Lennie and George are forced to overcome the Dust Bowl and The Great Depression around 1938. This makes jobs even harder to come by because everyone wanted one. Lennie and George were kicked out of Weed and they now work at a ranch in Soledad. At the new farm the friendship between Lennie and George becomes harder to maintain. The people on the farm are all different shapes, sizes, andRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men2167 Words  | 9 Pagesjobs. In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, George Milton and Lennie Small wander through California in search of a new job that would help them make enough money to live their American dream on â€Å"the fatta the lan’†(Steinbeck 14). George and Lennie’s hard work and determination is not enough for them to live their dream. Lennie has a mental disability that slows the two friends down from living their dream; they have to ru n from job to job because of Lennie’s unintentional actions. Steinbeck incorporatesRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1360 Words  | 6 Pagesfeeling, thinking and acting in everyday life. In the story Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, a duo of farmers, George and Lennie, search for work wherever they can. Their dream of having a farm of their own is coming into reach, while George has to wield Lennie away from the temptation of Curley’s wife and the reality of what Lennie can do. John Steinbeck uses characterization to illustrate the nature of human existence. Steinbeck portrays George as a man who tries to help, and helps others soRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1448 Words  | 6 Pages In the novella, Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck discusses the idea of loneliness and how people who work at the ranch have no family and no future in lives. He indicates that all people at the ranch are lonely, but he specifically uses a few characters to highlight their state of being lonely and more miserable than the others. He emphasizes the loneliness of ranch life during the Great Depression, and shows how people are willing to try and find friendship in order to escape from the state ofRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1205 Words  | 5 Pagesand the time period of John Steinbeck s novella, Of Mice and Men, exemplifies the idea that people from minorities are held back from achieving their version of the ‘American Dream’. This goes to prove not everyone will overcome the overbearing tidal waves of their hardship s, which makes the American Dream nothing more than a dream to them. Crooks, the black stable hand, faces discrimination due to his skin color as this unfortunately was common in the 1930’s. John Steinbeck uses Crooks’ situationRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men968 Words  | 4 PagesSolidifying the theme of John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, the protagonist George expresses his significant loneliness despite a strong kinship with his friend Lennie, â€Å"’I ain’t got no people†¦ I seen the guys that go around the ranches alone. That ain’t no good’†(41). Published in 1937, amidst the horrific turmoil of the Great Depression, Steinbeck’s novella struck a sensitive chord with readers. Set in the heart of California’s Central Valley, this story follows two men, George and Lennie, as they
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Review of Related Literature Essay Sample free essay sample
Diabetess. besides known as diabetes mellitus is described by HealthRiight. com as a chronic wellness status where the organic structure is unable to bring forth adequate insulin and decently interrupt down sugar ( glucose ) in the blood. Glucose comes from nutrient and is used by the cells for energy. Glucose is besides made in the liver. Insulin is a endocrine produced by the pancreas. a big secretory organ behind the tummy. Insulin is needed to travel sugar into the cells where it can be used for energy needed for organic structure procedures. With Type 1 diabetes. the organic structure does non do any insulin. With Type 2 diabetes. the more common type. the organic structure does non do or utilize insulin decently. Without adequate insulin. glucose corsets in the blood and causes a status called hyperglycaemia. or high blood sugar degrees. Diabetes is associated with long-run complications that affect about every portion of the organic structure. We will write a custom essay sample on Review of Related Literature Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The disease frequently leads to blindness. bosom and blood vas disease. shot. kidney failure. amputations. and nerve harm. Uncontrolled diabetes can perplex gestation. and birth defects are more common in babes born to adult females with diabetes. Pregnant adult females can temporarily develop gestational diabetes. a type of diabetes that begins tardily in gestation. TYPES OF DIABETESPre-diabetes: Persons with pre-diabetes have blood glucose degrees that are higher than normal but non high plenty for a diagnosing of diabetes. This status raises the hazard of developing type 2 diabetes. bosom disease. and stroke. Type 1 diabetes: Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. An autoimmune disease consequences when the body’s immune system that fights infection begins to assail a portion of the organic structure. In diabetes. the immune system onslaughts and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. The pancreas so produces no insulin. An single with type 1 diabetes must take insulin daily for proper blood sugar control. Type 2 diabetes: The most common signifier of diabetes is type 2 diabetes. About 90-95 % of persons with diabetes have type 2. This signifier of diabetes is most frequently associated with older age. fleshiness. household history of diabetes. old history of gestational diabetes ( diabetes developed during gestation ) . physical inaction. and certain ethnicities. About 80 % of persons with type 2 diabetes are fleshy. Type 2 diabetes can be treated with diet. exercising. and unwritten prescription medicines but may necessitate insulin shootings. Gestational diabetes: Some adult females develop gestational diabetes tardily in gestation. Although this signifier of diabetes normally disappears after the birth of the babe. adult females who have had gestational diabetes have a 20-50 % opportunity of developing type 2 diabetes within 5-10 old ages. Keeping a sensible organic structure weight and being physically active may assist forestall development of gestational diabetes turning into type 2 diabetes. Treatment Treatment for diabetes is a womb-to-tomb committedness of supervising blood sugar. taking insulin if prescribed. keeping a healthy weight. eating healthy nutrients. and exerting on a regular basis. The end is to maintain your blood sugar degree as near to normal as possible to detain or forestall complications. In fact. tight control of blood sugar degrees can cut down the hazard of diabetes-related bosom onslaughts and shots by more than 50 % . Medicines: Insulin and unwritten medicines: Many persons with diabetes can pull off their blood sugar with diet and exercising entirely. but some need diabetes medicines or insulin therapy. In add-on to diabetes medicines. a physician might order low-dose aspirin therapy to assist forestall bosom and blood vas disease. Aspirin prevents blood from coagulating by barricading the production of thromboxane A-2. a chemical that platelets produce that causes them to clop. Aspirin accomplishes this by suppressing the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase-1 ( COX-1 ) that produces thromboxane A-2. Many unwritten or injected medicines can be used to handle type 2 diabetes. Some diabetes medicines stimulate the pancreas to bring forth and let go of more insulin. Others inhibit the production and release of glucose from the liver. which means the single needs less insulin to transport sugar into the cells. Still others block the action of tummy enzymes that break down saccharides or do tissues more sensitive to insulin. On the other manus. National Diabetics Information Clearhouse defined it as a group of diseases marked by high degrees of blood glucose. besides called blood sugar. ensuing from defects in insulin production. insulin action. or both. Diabetess can take to serious complications and premature decease. but people with diabetes can take stairss to command the disease and lower the hazard of complications. They besides stated some ways of handling diabetes.Diabetess can take to serious complications. such as sightlessness. kidney harm. cardiovascular disease. and lower-limb amputations. but people with diabetes can take down the happening of these and other diabetes complications by commanding blood glucose. blood force per unit area. and blood lipoids. * Many people with type 2 diabetes can command their blood glucose by following a healthy repast program and exercising plan. losing extra weight. and taking unwritten medicine. Some people with type 2 diabetes may besides necessitate insulin to command their blood glucose. * To last. people with type 1 diabetes must hold insulin delivered by injection or a pump. * Among grownups with diagnosed diabetesâ€â€type 1 or type 2â€â€14 percent return insulin merely. 13 per centum take both insulin and unwritten medicine. 57 percent take unwritten medicine merely. and 16 per centum make non take either insulin or unwritten medicine. Med icines for each person with diabetes will frequently alter over the class of the disease. * Many people with diabetes besides need to take medicines to command their cholesterin and blood force per unit area. * Self-management instruction or preparation is a cardinal measure in bettering wellness results and quality of life. It focuses on self-care behaviours. such as healthy feeding. being active. and supervising blood glucose. It is a collaborative procedure in which diabetes pedagogues help people with or at hazard for diabetes gain the cognition and problem-solving and get bying accomplishments needed to successfully self-manage the disease and its related conditions. They besides have some medical specialties for diabetic people Over clip. high degrees of blood glucose. besides called blood sugar. can can do wellness jobs. These jobs include bosom disease. bosom onslaughts. shots. kidney disease. nervus harm. digestive jobs. oculus disease. and tooth and gum jobs. You can assist forestall wellness jobs by maintaining your blood glucose degrees on mark. Everyone with diabetes demands to take nutrients sagely and be physically active. If you can’t make your mark blood glucose degrees with wise nutrient picks and physical activity. you may necessitate diabetes medical specialties. The sort of medical specialty you take depends on your type of diabetes. your agenda. and your other wellness conditions. Diabetes medical specialties help maintain your blood glucose in your mark scope. The mark scope is suggested by diabetes experts and your physician or diabetes pedagogue. See below for more information about mark degrees for good wellness. Medicines for Type 1 Diabetess Type 1 diabetes. one time called juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes. is normally first found in kids. adolescents. or immature grownups. If you have type 1 diabetes. you must take insulin because your organic structure no longer makes it. You besides might necessitate to take other types of diabetes medical specialties that work with insulin. Medicines for Type 2 Diabetess Type 2 diabetes. one time called adult-onset diabetes or noninsulin-dependent diabetes. is the most common signifier of diabetes. It can get down when the organic structure doesn’t usage insulin as it should. a status called insulin opposition. If the organic structure can’t maintain up with the demand for insulin. you may necessitate diabetes medical specialties. Many picks are available. Your physician might order two or more medical specialties. The ADA recommends that most people start with Glucophage. a sort of diabetes pill. Medicines for Gestational Diabetes Gestational diabetes is diabetes that occurs for the first clip during gestation. The endocrines of gestation or a deficit of insulin can do gestational diabetes. Most adult females with gestational diabetes control it with repast planning and physical activity. But some adult females need insulin to make their mark blood glucose degrees. Medicines for Other Types of Diabetes If you have one of the rare signifiers of diabetes. such as diabetes caused by other medical specialties or monogenic diabetes. talk with your physician about what sort of diabetes medicine would be best for you. Types of Diabetes Medicines Diabetess medical specialties come in several signifiers.InsulinIf your organic structure no longer makes adequate insulin. you’ll need to take it. Insulin is used for all types of diabetes. Your physician can assist you make up ones mind which manner of taking insulin is best for you. * Taking injections. You’ll give yourself shootings utilizing a needle and syringe. The syringe is a hollow tubing with a speculator. You will set your dosage of insulin into the tubing. Some people use an insulin pen. which looks like a pen but has a acerate leaf for its point. * Using an insulin pump. An insulin pump is a little machine about the size of a cell phone. worn outside of your organic structure on a belt or in a pocket or pouch. The pump connects to a little plastic tubing and a really little acerate leaf. The acerate leaf is inserted under the tegument and corsets in for several yearss. Insulin is pumped from the machine through the tubing into your organic structure. * Usi ng an insulin jet injector. The jet injector. which looks like a big pen. sends a all right spray of insulin through the tegument with hard-hitting air alternatively of a acerate leaf. What does insulin make?Insulin helps maintain blood glucose degrees on mark by traveling glucose from the blood into your body’s cells. Your cells so use glucose for energy. In people who don’t have diabetes. the organic structure makes the right sum of insulin on its ain. But when you have diabetes. you and your physician must make up ones mind how much insulin you need throughout the twenty-four hours and dark. What are the possible side effects of insulin?Possible side effects include* low blood glucose* weight additionHow and when should I take my insulin?Your program for taking insulin will depend on your day-to-day everyday and your type of insulin. Some people with diabetes who use insulin need to take it two. three. or four times a twenty-four hours to make their blood glucose marks. Others can take a individual shooting. Your physician or diabetes pedagogue will assist you larn how and when to give yourself insulin. Types of Insulin Each type of insulin plants at a different velocity. For illustration. rapid-acting insulin starts to work right after you take it. Long-acting insulin plants for many hours. Most people need two or more types of insulin to make their blood glucose marks. Diabetes Pills Along with repast planning and physical activity. diabetes pills help people with type 2 diabetes or gestational diabetes keep their blood glucose degrees on mark. Several sorts of pills are available. Each plant in a different manner. Many people take two or three sorts of pills. Some people take combination pills. Combination pills contain two sorts of diabetes medicine in one tablet. Some people take pills and insulin. Diabetes pills help people with type 2 diabetes or gestational diabetes keep their blood glucose degrees on mark. Your physician may inquire you to seek one sort of pill. If it doesn’t aid you reach your blood glucose marks. your physician may inquire you to * take more of the same pill * add another sort of pill* alteration to another type of pill* start taking insulin* start taking another injected medical specialtyIf your physician suggests that you take insulin or another injected medical specialty. it doesn’t intend your diabetes is acquiring worse. Alternatively. it means you need insulin or another type of medical specialty to make your blood glucose marks. Everyone is different. What works best for you depends on your usual day-to-day modus operandi. eating wonts. and activities. and your other wellness conditions. Injections Other Than Insulin In add-on to insulin. two other types of injected medical specialties are now available. Both work with insulinâ€â€either the body’s ain or injectedâ€â€to aid maintain your blood glucose from traveling excessively high after you eat. Neither is a replacement for insulin. . Soro-soroEuphorbia nerifolia Linn.COMMON MILK HEDGE VegetationErect. shrubby. branched. heavy. cactus-like works turning to 2-4 metres. Trunk and older subdivisions are grayinsh and cylindric ; medium subdivisions somewhat twisted and stout. heavy. 4- or 5-angled or winged. Departers are heavy. oblong-obovate. 5 to 15 centimeters long ; in immature workss. longer pointed or blunt at the tip. . Stems are spinous. Flowers are lone and short. xanthous or green. DistributionCultivated in gardens as a hedge works. Properties and components Pugrative. rubefacient. expectorator.Surveies have yielded euphorbon. rosin. gun rubber. malate of Ca. among others. Leafs considered diuretic.Latex considered cathartic. diuretic. anthelmintic and antiasthma. Partss usedLeafs. roots and latex. UsesFolkloricRootss have been used for serpent bites.Fluid from roasted foliages used for otalgia.The milky juice used for asthma. cough. earahce. Besides. used as an insect powder. Externally. applied to sores. cysts. warts. and callosities.Juice mixed with tumeric pulverization used for haemorrhoids.By oral cavity. it is a drastic cathartic.For internal usage: decoction or extract of 10 gms for 1 litre of H2O. 2-3 cups daily. Juice of foliages used for convulsive asthma.In India. used for bronchitis. tumours. leukoderma. hemorrhoids. redness. febrility. otalgias. anaemia and ulcers. In Malaya. used for otalgia.In Gallic Guiana. foliages are heated. squeezed. and the salt-cured sap used for wheezing in babes. colds and tummy disturbances. Besides used for septic nails. febrilities. coughs and diabetes in NW Guyana. beginning Surveies†¢ Anaesthetic Activity: Both the alky and aqueous infusions from the fresh root of E nerifolia revealed important anaesthetic activity on intradermic wale in guinea-pig and foot-withdrawal physiological reaction in toad. †¢ Radioprotective / Cytotoxic: Study isolated Euphol from the triterpenoidal sapogenin fraction of E nerifolia foliage which exerted moderate antioxidant activity with extremely important decrease of gamma radiation-induced chromosomal aberrances. It besides showed cytotoxic activity on melanoma cell lines. Results provide scientific footing for claimed anticarcinogenic usage. †¢ Wound Mending: In a research for lesion healing drugs. E nerifolia was one of the Ayurvedic medicinal plantsfrom Ayurvedic medicative workss found to be effectual in carnal theoretical accounts. †¢ Triterpene: Study isolated a new triterpene from the foliages and roots of Euphorbia nerifolia – glut-5 ( 10 ) -en-1-one.
Monday, December 2, 2019
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Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Madagascar essays
Madagascar essays Madagascar is a less popular covered subject in most geography textbooks, so I have set out on an internet, and encyclopedia journey in hopes of learning more about the publicity deprived section of Africa. In my research I have found coverage on: Madagascars geographic location, commodities and crops, agricultural, attributes, popular religious practices, and native languages spoken throughout the area. Throughout the repot I will touch on each topic, in hope of gaining more knowledge and insight. To start I will give a brief background of Madagascar followed by an in-depth look into Madagascars important facts. Madagascar is Formerly an independent kingdom, Madagascar became a French colony in 1896, but regained its independence in 1960. During 1992-93, free presidential and National Assembly elections were held, ending 17 years of single-party rule. In 1997, in the second presidential race, Didier RATSIRAKA, the leader during the 1970s and 1980s, was returned to the presidency. The 2001 presidential election was contested between the followers of Didier RATSIRAKA and Marc RAVALOMANANA, nearly causing secession of half of the country. In April 2002, the High Constitutional Court announced RAVALOMANANA the winner. Madagascars geographic location lies on the southern-eastern part of Africa, it is the closet island bordering Africa. Its geographic similarity resembles, Sicily to Italy. Its location is in the middle of the Indian Ocean, in Africa its closet neighbor is Mozambique; in which, it is directly east of. Madagascar is slightly less than double the size of Arizona. The Climate is Tropical along coast, temperate inland, arid in the south. Its terrain is: narrow coastal plains, high plateaus, and mountains in the center. Madagascars Elevation extremes go as the following: Lowest point = the Indian ocean at 0 meters. The highest point: Maromokotro at: 2,876 meters. The m...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Child Marriage Facts and Causes
Child Marriage Facts and Causes The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (among other charters and conventions) all directly or indirectly forbid the degrading and mistreatment of girls inherent in child marriage. Nevertheless, child marriage is common in many parts of the world, claiming millions of victims annuallyand hundreds of thousands of injuries or deaths resulting from abuse or complications from pregnancy and childbirth. Facts About Child Marriage According to the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), 100 million girls will be married before the age of 18 in the coming decade. Most will be in sub-Saharan Africa and the Asian Subcontinent (Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh). In Niger, for example, 77% of women in their early 20s were married as children. In Bangladesh, 65% were. Child marriage also occurs in parts of the Middle East, including Yemen and the rural Maghreb. In the United States, child marriage is still permissible in some states, with parental or judicial consent.Globally, according to UNICEF, 36% of women aged 20 to 24 were married or in a union, forced or consensual, before theyd reached 18.An estimated 14 million girls between the ages of 15 and 19 give birth each year. They are twice as likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth than women in their 20s.Girls who marry between the ages of 10 and 14 are five times as likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth as women in their early 20s. Causes of Child Marriage Child marriage has many causes: cultural, social, economic and religious. In many cases, a mixture of these causes results in the imprisonment of children in marriages without their consent. Poverty: Poor families sell their children into marriage either to settle debts or to make some money and escape the cycle of poverty. Child marriage fosters poverty, however, as it ensures that girls who marry young will not be properly educated or take part in the workforce.Protecting the girls sexuality: In certain cultures, marrying a girl young presumes that the girls sexuality, therefore the girls familys honor, will be protected by ensuring that the girl marries as a virgin. The imposition of family honor on a girls individuality, in essence, robbing the girl of her honor and dignity, undermines the credibility of family honor and instead underscores the presumed protections actual aim: to control the girl.Gender discrimination: Child marriage is a product of cultures that devalue women and girls and discriminate against them. The discrimination, according to a UNICEF report on Child Marriage and the Law, often manifests itself in the form of domestic violence, marital rape, a nd deprivation of food, lack of access to information, education, healthcare, and general impediments to mobility. Inadequate laws: Many countries such as Pakistan have laws against child marriage. The laws are not enforced. In Afghanistan, a new law was written into the countrys code enabling Shiite, or Hazara, communities to impose their own form of family lawincluding permitting child marriage.​Trafficking: Poor families are tempted to sell their girls not just into marriage, but into prostitution, as the transaction enables large sums of money to change hands. Individual Rights Denied by Child Marriage The Convention on the Rights of the Child is designed to guarantee certain individual rightswhich are abused by early marriage. Rights undermined or lost by children forced to marry early are: The right to an education.The right to be protected from physical and mental violence, injury or abuse, including sexual abuse, rape, and sexual exploitation.The right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health.The right to rest and leisure, and to participate freely in cultural life.The right to not be separated from parents against the childs will.The right to protection against all forms of exploitation affecting any aspect of the child’s welfare.The right to eventual employment. Case Study: A Child Bride Speaks The 2006 Nepal Report on Child Marriage includes the following testimony from a child bride: I was married to a nine-year-old boy when I was three. At that point of time, I was unaware of marriages. I dont even remember my marriage event. I just remember that as I was too young and was unable to walk and they had to carry me and bring me over to their place. Getting married at an early age, I was destined to suffer a lot of hardships. I had to carry water in a small clay-pot in the mornings. I had to sweep and swap the floor every day. Those were the days when I wanted to eat good food and wear pretty clothes. I used to feel very hungry, but I had to be satisfied with the amount of food that I was provided. I never got to eat enough. I sometimes secretly ate corns, soybeans, etc that used to grow in the field. And if I was caught eating, my in-laws and husband would beat me up accusing me of stealing from the field and eating. Sometimes the villagers used to give me food and if my husband and in-laws found out, they used to beat me up accusing me of stealing food from the house. They used to give me one black blouse and a cotton sari torn into two pieces. I had to wear these for two years. Never did I get other accessories like petticoats, belts etc. When my saris got torn, I used to patch them up and continue wearing them. My husband married three times after me. At present, he lives with his youngest wife. Since I married at an early age, early child-delivery was inevitable. As a result, I now have severe back problems. I used to weep a lot and consequently, I faced problems with my eyes and had to undergo an eye operation. I often think that if I had the power to think like I do now, I would never go to that house. I also wish I had not given birth to any children. Retrospective sufferings make me wish not to see my husband again. Nevertheless, I do not want him to die because I dont want to lose my marital status.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1 (MA EDUCATION) - EVIDENCE FROM A CRITICAL APPRAISAL OF AN APPROPRIATE PUBLISHED RESARCH PAPER - Essay Example ary was a one which had an intercept, a linear growth rate term and a quadratic term (level 1) and had maternal lexical input, language and literacy skills and depression as the significant predictors (level 2). The observed variation was positively related to diversity of maternal lexical input and maternal language and literacy skills, and negatively related to maternal depression. Maternal talkativeness was not related to growth in children’s’ vocabulary production in the study sample. Finally, the authors discuss the implications of the examination of longitudinal data from this relatively large sample of low-income families. 2. Are the rates of change in children’s observed vocabulary production related to maternal communicative input, maternal education, maternal language and literacy skills, or maternal depression, controlling for child gender and birth order, maternal age, family income, and family participation in an intervention program? CES-D: The Centre for Epidemiologic Studies –Depression (CES –D; Radloff, 1977) scale, on which adults rate on a 4-point scale the frequency with which they have recently experienced 20 depressive symptoms Child Abuse Potential: An inventory was designed primarily as a screening tool for the detection of physical child abuse by protective services workers in their investigations of reported child abuse cases (Milner, 1986) CHILDES: Child Language Data Exchange System (CHILDES; MacWhinney, 2000) is a system of transcribing, coding and storing information pertaining to communication in children, notably in the form of words and gestures Early head start: A program within Head Start that promotes healthy prenatal outcomes, promotes healthy family functioning, and strengthens the development of infants and toddlers beginning as young as newborn infants. Individual growth modelling: This is a statistical method of analyzing data by fitting the data to various candidate models, represented as growth equations.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Why I desire to become a nurse practitioner Essay
Why I desire to become a nurse practitioner - Essay Example It also has plenty of oppurtunities today for specialization and career advancements. Nursing requires life-long learning as new challenges confront the medical profession everyday. Hence, I am committed to go in for advanced education and training in the diagnosis and management of common medical conditions including chronic illnesses. I would thus be able to provide a broad range of service as do physicians. I feel committed to it and I would maintain close working relations with the physicians. Nursing involves working with people and I have always been good at it. I love interacting with people. Besides, I have compassion for people and I feel overwhelmed when patients are unable to pay the medical bills. I love holistic healing and would encourage the patients to draw upon their inner strength; I would them motivate to learn to heal themselves. As a Nurse Practitioner (NP) I would be able to suggest less expensive treatment and inform them about health care. Perhaps I owe these qualities to my mom, because it seems to run in the family. I know being a NP requires individualized care. Prevention, wellness, and patient education have to be top priorities. Experiences, frustrations and contentment, which I can clearly see on my mom and brother’s face, urge me to move ahead in the profession. Each day comes with a new challenge and requires the skills for strong decision-making (SMC). There are ongoing changes in nursing and the healthcare system. It is demanding on the family life too but in nursing one never gets bored. It is a respectable and a noble profession too despite long hours, emotional load and the health care risks. As a NP I would require tremendous amount of patience, listening skills, I would have to do a lot of counseling, diagnosing and treating acute illnesses. As a NP I would have to deal with the patient’s family and even suggest lifestyle and environment changes. In
Sunday, November 17, 2019
John Steinbeck Essay Example for Free
John Steinbeck Essay Comparison between the portrayal of women in The Ostler by Wilkie Collins and in Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck In both the stories The Ostler by Wilkie Collins and Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck the authors have used the females, who are Rebecca in The Ostler and Curleys wife in Of Mice and Men to play important roles in developing the plot. Both of them considerably shape and alter the lives of those other characters around them. In The Ostler Rebecca is a young lady who meets Isaac and later marries him. She totally changes his life. However she has a darker side and later plots to kill him leaving Isaac living in fear for his life. Similarly in Of Mice and Men Curleys wife ends up causing the death of one of the principal characters, Lennie. So we can see that in both stories the women either threaten or cause the death of a main character. Both the stories were written some time ago, the Ostler being the older of the two, written in 1855. So the Ostler was set in the Victorian age. We know that in the Victorian age there were little opportunities for unmarried women. Rebecca is a good example of this. Before she met Isaac she was dependant on drugs. This is suggested on page 11 when Isaac meets Rebecca in the Chemists whilst he is buying medicine for his mother. The chemist said Its my opinion theres something wrong with her. Shes been asking for Laudanum to put on a bad tooth Its a case of suicide, sir, if ever there was one yet. Of Mice and Men was set in the great depression in America. Still there was little opportunity for women and most were unfairly treated. Curleys wife is portrayed as a lonely, isolated character who longs to be free from the tight reigns of her husband Curley. She spends much of her time flirting with the other men on the ranch, hungry for conversation. So in both stories the writers have portrayed the women as unfairly treated. Whether it was one of their aims to make their readers aware of the situation or whether the suggestion is just through their realistic reflection on the society they lived in we cannot tell. Although I wouldnt say that a strong emphasis is placed on the treatment of women and therefore I would argue that it was not their target but just one consequence of the story line. Rebecca is first introduced to us in the fourth paragraph on the first page, although we dont know who she is at that point. A detailed description is given of her, but she is not named. Light grey eyes and a droop in the left eyelid Flaxen hair with a gold streak in it Fair, white arms with a down in the little ladys hands, with a reddish look under the fingernails However after this description which Isaac is telling us in his sleep, then has a narrative signpost suggesting that this women is trouble. and the knife always the cursed knife first on one side, then on the other. It is suggested that there will be murder in the story and conveys a horror genre, a style very popular at that time. Similarly, In Of Mice and Men Curleys wife looks are portrayed as dangerous. Although we haer a description of Rebecca, it is only a feature of Isaacs nightmare. The same decription of Rebecca is then repeated when Isaac returns home to his mother and tells her of his dream. His mother writes the details down so that she doesnt forget them. His mother seems to be a suspicious women who believes the dream had a deeper significance and that it was a prophecy that Isaac would one day be killed by the women of the dream. It isnt until some time later, when his mother falls ill and he goes to the chemist, that he meets a lady who we find is called Rebecca, although Isaac doesnt recognize her from his dream. He thinks she will commit suicide so in an attempt to prevent her taking her life and also because he is strangely attracted to her, he plans to marry her. When he introduces Rebecca his mother recognizes her to be the women of the dream and tries to call off the marriage. However the marriage goes ahead. So you can see what a big part her looks played. It was her looks that first caused conflict in the marriage. Rebecca, who is upset that Isaacs mother, Mrs. Scatchard, does not like her, tries to be friendly towards his mother. However the relationship between Isaac and Rebecca deteriorates and when Isaac discovers Rebecca has bought a new knife, one like that of the dream and demands that he keeps the knife. This further upsets Rebecca and they get into a fight and she leaves. Isaac lived in fear wondering if she return and try to kill him like in the dream. He takes precautions to protect himself. Then one day she returns and tries to kill him. So he leaves. From that day forward he lived in fear.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay --
MEDIATION ANALYSIS ESSAY – 1994-95 MAJOR BASEBALL LEAGUE STRIKE MSgt ANGELA SANDERS AIR FORCE SENIOR NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER ACADEMY DECEMBER 2, 2014 INSTRUCTOR: SMSgt THOMAS HOLMES How could baseball team owners lose $580 million in revenue and baseball players lose $230 million in salary pay in one year? The 1994-95 Major Baseball League 232 day strike lead to millions of dollars lost and millions of fans frustrated by what they say was an act of war. The mediation between Major League Baseball team owners and baseball players was ineffective in delivering a bargaining agreement that would protect the players from being used by the owners for the benefit of their businesses. First, I will provide some background information about the baseball strike followed by cross cultural competence factors and how they affected the event. Next, we will look at the negotiation factors that will include the TIPO model and negotiation strategies. Finally, I will give some highlights and effects of the mediation process. Now, let's look at one of the most famous baseball strikes of all times. The 1994-95 baseball strike was the fourth strike in 22 years and has been known as the worst strike in sports history. The major impact was approximately 948 games canceled along with the World Series resulting in millions of dollars lost. Team owners proposed a salary cap agreement to the players due to difficult financial situations the league was experiencing. The owners said that teams needed to share broadcasting revenues to make it equal amongst the teams to prevent market clubs from falling. This meant that smaller teams would not lose their bigger players to teams that c... ...iation factors. We learned that the selfishness of one person or group of people can have a major ripple effect on other things. Sometimes not fast forwarding and looking into the future of effects are not realize until it actually takes place. Unfortunately, in this situation that is exactly what happened and effected an entire nation. REFERENCES Source A 1994–95 Major League Baseball strike. (2013, November 9). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 17:14, November 29, 2013, from Source B Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services. (2013, November 29). In Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services, Collective Bargaining. Retrieved 11:08, November 29, 2013 from
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Economics of Organizations Essay
Introduction Coca-Cola is one of the world largest beverage companies in the world. The company offers its consumers with more than 500 sparkling and still brands. The company is best known for its flagship invention of the product coca-cola which was invented in the in 1886 John stitch Pemberton. The management of the company has committed efforts toward ensuring that the company continues to offer quality products to its consumers. The company has managed to grow and expand where it now operates in over 200 countries worldwide with a customer base of approximately 1.7 billion. In this case the coca cola company mainly produces the syrup concentrate, which is later sold to the various bottlers company worldwide. The company has engaged into many corporate social responsibility projects globally (CSR). The CSR projects are economically important to the company as they improve business relation between the management and the stakeholders. The company has established numerous globalization policies which are in line with the company mission to refresh the world both in the body and in the spirit. In addition, the management of the company aims at ensuring that the company create value and make a difference everywhere they engage. Most importantly, the company also aims at ensuring that they introduce brand that help to satisfy the needs of all people. The company has been one of the most prominent companies in the beverage industry worldwide. Corporate Social Responsibility Coca-Cola operates in more than 200 countries globally. Ultimately, there is need for the company to engage in many activities which have economic benefit to the communities around their business. Ultimately, organizations are expected to observe economic components that are they should conduct their business in such a way that they are consistent maximizing earnings per share (Asongu 84). Coca-cola is not unexceptional, hence the company should determine perfectly how they conduct their business so that to remain in the competitive edge hence maximizing the amount of profits they make. It is economically important to for companies in this sector should ensure that they maintain strong but health competitions for a common objective of the shareholders.  Evidently, the only possible means to maintain a healthy relationship with the stakeholders is by engaging them through corporate social responsibilities projects (Asongu 84).  In addition the company should be defined by its consistent profitability of its total output productivity. The objectives behind the coca-cola company engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility activities it to guarantee sustainability. Basically, the company bases it operations on the business ethics such as initiating development projects, contribution to training, facilitating economic growth among others (In Idowu 201).  It is evident that is if a company is economically stable it offers many benefits to the shareholders and the larger country in general. For instance, if a company is economically stable it will employ people and it will greatly contribute towards building a stronger economical country.  Coca-cola Company is always keen to ensure it has followed the due process and theories concerning how it operates corporate social responsibility projects or activities. Ultimately, Social responsibility has four dimensions that the company should be socially responsible. These include, legal, economic, voluntary and ethical. Coca-cola Company is more focused to create profits but should aims to ensure the wellbeing of the society at the same time ensuring the set laws and regulations by the legal systems. Voluntary responsibilities for a company entail the ability of companies to initiate programs and other activities that aims to ensure wellbeing of the surrounding community. In business context, companies which ensure ethics and social responsibility in all levels of their operations are likely to have better outcomes than those which do not ensure social responsibility and ethics. For many years now, coca-cola company has followed and maintained the basic economic rules governing the manner at which Corporate Social Responsibility is carried out. Many of its activities and programs are long term which has the aim to affirm the sustainability of the company (Idowu & Leal 46). Basically, the company has established many measures which ensure they are in line with the rules and model. Analysis of the company organizational structure and its modus operandi it is evident that the company has managed to achieve their objectives. This is because the despite the fact that the company is organized into several regions the top management has implemented control measure of ensuring that the company in all the regional groups produce the same brands. According to the report released in 2008 there is an indication that the company is performing stunningly in the corporate responsibility sector. The most areas which the company performs perfectly are issues concerning water issues carbon dioxide emission and product packaging. Corporate responsibility or sustainability is the key factors for companies to achieve good productivity (Idowu & Leal 46). Good ethics and social performance go hand in hand in ensuring that the company achieves good performance. The fact that the company engages in many social corporate responsibility activity helps the company to enhance its brand image and reputation. Evidently, customers habitually are attracted to brands and companies having good reputations in corporate responsibility areas. The tables below show the performance of coca-cola in relation corporate social responsibility activities. In this context, the company uses appropriate social accounting procedures which help the company to handle properly all matters concerning accountability. The company uses annual audits from credible firms and inspections to ensure success of these programs. For instance the statistics indicates a positive growth in the green house project footprint. Ultimately, this project has many economic advantages to the people and world in general (Asongu 86). Reduction of green house gases helps to eliminate harmful gases which are the major threats to the economy of all countries in the world. As a matter of fact, Coca Cola Company appears to have good strategies which guarantee long term CSR programs irrespective of the mother country. Conclusion From the above discussion it is evident that, Coca-Cola operates in more than 200 countries globally. Ultimately, there is need for the company to engage in many activities which have economic benefit to the communities around their business. The fact that the organization more than 500 sparkling and still brands gives it a better chance to engage in many activities which tend to benefit the society where they operate in. These projects are economically important to both society in general and the company. Basically, voluntary responsibilities for a company entail the ability of companies to initiate programs and other activities that aims to ensure wellbeing of the surrounding community. In business context, companies which ensure ethics and social responsibility in all levels of their operations are likely to have better outcomes than those which do not ensure social responsibility and ethics References Asongu, J.J. Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility in Practice. Lawrenceville, GA:   Greenview            Publishing, 2007. Print. Idowu, Samuel O, and Filho W. Leal. Global Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility.       Berlin: Springer         Berlin, 2008. Print. Idowu, Samuel O. Professionals Perspectives of Corporate Social Responsibility. , 2009. Print.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Lesson Plans and Lesson Presentations
Lesson 1Course: World History Date: Grade level: 9,10,11 Estimated time: 1hour 30 minutes Topic: The beginning of the WWII Arizona State Standards: Bell Work:Do you know what war is considered to be the greatest tragedy of all nations?Do you agree wiyh this definition? Why or why not?How do you personally feel about WWII?Anticipatory Set: (Motivation)The students are shown 5 minute video stating the losses that the world in general and the US in particular had to suffer after the WWII.Lesson Objective:Students will be able to identify:The causes of the WWII; Main participants; The start of the war. Students will be able to write at least 2 main dates in the history of WWII.The students will be able to form their own opinion who was the initiator of the war and how it could be avoided, if could at all.The main conceptual objective is to make students critically think and analyse historical events.Lesson Overview/Procedure:The teacher asks the students to remember what had happened after the WWI and what specific treaties were signed. Then he/she leads active discussion about Versailles Treaty, its positive and negative sides. In advance, the teacher gives an individual task for three students to prepare an overview of economic and political situation in postwar Germany, Italy, and Japan respectively. After that, the class is divided into 5 groups representing five countries (regions): Germany, Italy, Japan, former USSR plus Western Europe, and the USA. All of these groups are given 7 minutes to prepare their possible reasons to be engaged in the war.When all of the reasons are announced, the teacher summarizes them and writes down the correct ones on the blackboard. Then the teacher asks one student (voluntarily) to identify key participants of the war, and again writes them on the blackboard. At this time another student is asked to show these countries on the map, pointing specifically at the territories they aspire to gain after the war. All this takes 40-45 minutes. After that the teacher initiates the topic about Moscow conference and invites three students to represent Molotov, Ribbentrop and Churchil l. The teacher asks students to defend the interests of their countries (USSR, Germany and Britain respectively), and the rest of the class should be willing to help. When the discussion is over, the teacher reveals the secret Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and explains its importance in the world history. After that he/she makes a short overview of the first military actions that signified the start of the WWII. Along with students he/she writes down the main dates:Hitler’s party foundation; Moscow conference; Molotov-Ribbentrop secret Pact; The official start of the WWII. Closure:The teacher gives the students a short quiz summarizing the key points of the lesson. In order to avoid students fear and resentment, he/she allows them to use their notes to answer the questions. When they are done, the teacher tells the correct answers and asks the students to check their own work. Only the good grades are fixed. However, the teacher warns that next time all the marks (both good and bad will be put).Extension/Fast finishers:For those who finishes quiz quickly, the teacher asks to fill in the table stating:The reasons of the war for specific countries; Country’s prominent political leaders; Country’s interest in the war. Each fast finisher gets a separate country. The teacher could check the assignment during the class (if there is enough time or prepare them for the next one).Assessment/Evaluation:The teacher refers to the objectives attained as the result of the lesson. Then, he points that in order to develop further students’ critical thinking skills he assigns the following homework. He/she also might ask students how they liked the interactive games and dialogues in order to evaluate the effectiveness of such method of teaching.Individual Student Practice:To write a two page essay expressing own opinion about what parties were guilty and why, and how the war could be possibly avoided, if could be at all.Teacher Reflection & References:1. Breuer B. â€Å"Deceptions of WWII†Wiley: New York, 20012. Morton L. â€Å"Targeting the World War II Generation†In Public Relations Quarterly. Vol.: 49., 20043. O’Brien K. â€Å"The Home-Front War: World War II and American Society†Greenwood Press: Westport, CT, 1995Materials List: textbook, notebook, hand map, pens/pencilsLesson 2Course: American History Date: Grade level: 11 Estimated time: 1hour 30 minutes Topic: Veteran’s Day Arizona State Standards:Bell Work:Do any of you have grandparents who survived the WWII?Did your relatives participate in any other American war?What does it mean to them? Did they share the memories?Anticipatory Set: (Motivation)Can you count all people you know that have taken part in any American war? Do you consider them heroes? Can you write just one sentence for them to tell or to send as a message to thank for their effort at this glorifying date  Veteran’s Day.Lesson Objective:Students wi ll be able to identify all the significant events in the US history involving wars.Students will be able recall the history of the Veteran’s Day holiday.Students will define the significance of the holiday for present and future generations.Lesson Overview/Procedure:The teacher asks the students to recall the major events in the US history, which involved military actions. He writes them all on the blackboard. Then the teacher invites one student to put those events/wars in the chronological order. When the student is done, the teacher together with the rest of the class checks the assignment. The teacher asks the student to choose four major American wars and divides the class into four groups accordingly.Each group is given 10 minutes to prepare a short report about the war (everything they know) including the memories of their relatives about the event (for instance, about the WWII). If possible, it is useful to provide each group with one laptop in order for them to make power point presentation. Then each group presents their overview and exchanges the opinion. Basically, the teacher doesn’t intrude, but just direct the discussion and control the time. When the discussion is over, the teacher tells who played a significant role founding the Veteran’s Day as it is. In advance, the teacher also arranges for one veteran of WWII to come to the class and share the experience. The teacher leaves 15-20 minutes for this veteran to share his experience. Extension/Fast finishers:For the group that makes presentation fast, the teacher prepares a statistical information about how many veterans there are in the USA, in what regions etc. He/she asks the group to get familiar with the information and to present it for additional mark. Another possible task is to write the slogans glorifying the courage of those participated in the war. After the writings are done, the big board should be hang on the blackboard.Closure:At the end of the class the tea cher collects the writings with greetings and wishes that students made at the beginning of the lesson and gives them to the veteran invited. He also gives the task for three students to prepare one war poem and learn it by heart. The end of the class is signified by reading of these three poems.Assessment/Evaluation:The teacher encourages the student to say a few words about the significance of the Veteran’s Day for them personally and for future generations. He asks the students to greet their relatives and other people they know who participated in the War.Individual Student Practice:The teacher asks to research the history of the Veteran’s day and prepare a detailed plan stating the main branches of the Veteran’s Day development.Teacher Reflection & References:1. Veteran’s day. Available: The History of Veteran’s day. Oct. 3, 2003. Available: . Adrian G. â€Å"The Silence of Memory: Armistice Day, 1919-1946†Berg: Oxford, 1994 Materials List: notebooks, separate sheet of paper, pen/pencil, laptop (if available)
Friday, November 8, 2019
Comparing Hinduism and Buddhism †World Religion Essay
Comparing Hinduism and Buddhism – World Religion Essay Free Online Research Papers Comparing Hinduism and Buddhism World Religion Essay In the world today there are many different world religions and also smaller divisions of belief which are based on certain philosophies. There are three major religious belief in the world today. The largest two of these three are Christianity and Judism. Hinduism is the third largest world religion which is mainly confined in India. Within this third main religion, we can find almost any form of religion from simple animism to elaborate philosophical systems. Derived from Hinduism, Buddhism is one of the intensely studied beliefs. Buddhism is considered another world religion but it is mainly a form of philosophy. Hinduism and Buddhism are both world religions but their differences and similarities are extensive. Hinduism, to some extent, can be called the melting pot of religions. It has met the challenge of other religions by absorbing them and their practices and beliefs into the mainstream of Hindu religious _expression. Hinduism is the most complex, diverse, and tolerant of the world’s religions. Its history is long and diverse and has evolved over the centuries. In the second millennium B.C., the Aryans (noble ones) invaded the Indus valley from Persia. There were wandering nomads who spoke an Indo-European language which became the basis for Sanskit (early language of India). Many different dialects later derived from Sanskit. The early Aryan society developed into three main socio-economiv classes. The priests or Brahmins became the ruling class, the tribal chieftans and their warriors or Kshatriyas were next in line, and lastly, came the commoners and merchants or Vaishyas. A fourth group, made up of pre-Aryan people or Shudras, were at the bottom of society. Eventually, these separate groups developed into a religious supported caste system. With the changing of the different groups of people and the changing of the dialect in Sanskit, the Hindu religion changed since the translating into the different dialects cause wording differences. The change in language altered the religion although the main beliefs and philosophies remained the same or similar to the original. The sacred scriptures of Hinduism are the Vedas. There are four basic Vedic books and they are the Rig-Veda, the Yajur-Veda, the Sama-Veda, and the Atharva-Veda. Each of these books is divided into four parts which contains the hymns to the gods (Mantras), a section of ritual materials (Brahmanas), a section of guidance for hermits (Aranyakas), and a fourth section of philosophical treatises (Upanishads). The Mantra and Brahmana sections are the oldest materials with the Aranyakas and Upanishads added later. The Vedic literature further evolved during the classical period of Hinduism. The fourth book, the Upanishads, forms the basis of Hindu philosophy. The Upanishads is the ground work of Hindu beliefs. The Hindu belief states that there is one reality, the impersonal god-being called Brahman. All things and beings are an _expression of Brahman and everything in the world and experience which is not Brahman is illusion (maya) ( Sprunger, 1). This means that all phenomenal existence (pleasure, worldly success, wealth) is illusion arising from ignorance of the true nature of reality. Those who then continue this ignorance are bound to live by the law of karma (cause and effect) which keeps them endlessly in the cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth. When man discovers the Path of Desire is not fulfilling, he is ready to start on the Path of Renunciation. When he discovers this, he is ready to except his duty to others, family, community, and dedicates himself to a life of service. This is rewarding but he still yearns for infinite being, infinite awareness, and infinite joy (Sprunger, 1). Achieving these ultimatums is not easy and to do so we must realize the basic purpose of life is to pass beyond imperfection. That which is beyond the limitation and imperfections of life can only be found within. This means that underlying our very physical existence and personality is an infinite reservoir of reality. This infinite center of every life (comparable slightly to the soul in other religions), this hidden authentic self or Atman is not less than Brahman, the Godhead. When we detach ourselves from the finite, illusory self and commit ourselves to Atman-Brahman, we can achieve infinite awareness and infinite joy. This philosophy has its basis in the sacrificial, priestly form of worship in Hinduism. It emphasizes meditation as a means of worship and teaches that ignorance is man’s basic plight. Classical Hinduism also produced the ethnical Code of Manu which teaches that the caste system is divinely ordained. The first three castes the Brahmins, the Kshatriyas, and the Vaishayas are â€Å"twice born†people while the Shudras are â€Å"once born†manual laborers. The only way to move upward in the caste system would be by repeated incarnations. Although the caste system is outlawed in contemporary India, the social influences are still strong. The Code of Manu also teaches the various stages through which a man is expected to pass in a successful life: student, householder, hermit, and wandering beggar. These stages of living are only meant solely for â€Å"twice born†men. Women should stay in the home under the protection and control of the chief male in the household. The code also requires the cultivation of pleasantness, knowledge, truthfulness, and non irritability. The killing of a cow is considered among the greatest of sins. Near the end of the classical period of Hinduism, subtle changes gradually appear in Hinduism. Out of the millions of major and minor gods, worship became centered around the Trimurti which includes Brahman, the creator; Shiva, the destroyer; and Vishnu, the preserver. Among this trinity, Brahman receives the least attention. Shiva is the most popular of the three because he is the god of sex and reproduction and appeals to the deprivation experienced by the masses. According to mythology, Vishnu has appeared on earth in nine forms and will come a tenth time to bring the world to an end. Among his appearances are Krishna; Gautama, the Buddha; Matsya, the fish who saved Manu from a great flood; and Christ. The majority of the people of India seek salvation through devotion to the gods while many of the wealthy and educated seek salvation through knowledge. The intellectual Hinduism centers around six systems of philosophy which are Samkhya, Yoga, Mimamsa, Vedanta, Vaiseshika, and Nyana. All six of these philosophies base their claim around the Vedas and all have common themes. The only difference between them is their view of ultimate reality. Jainism and Buddism later began as reform movements in Hinduism and it has absorbed much of their thinking. Buddhism adapted part of its beliefs from Hinduism. Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BC), or the Enlightened one in Sanskrit, founded Buddhism in India. Although the earliest accounts of his life were not recorded until about three hundred years after his death, the history that is now written is accepted by most Buddhists as being true and forms the model for all Buddhists today. Buddha in itself means â€Å"the enlightened one.†When Siddhartha was an infant, a sage visited the King’s court and made a prophecy that Siddhartha would become either a great ruler like his father if he remained in the palace or if he went out into the world, he would become a Buddha. The King believed that if Siddhartha was exposed to any human misery he would leave his home to seek out the truth. Therefore, the King ordered his subjects to shield Siddhartha from any form of evil or suffering. Despite his father’s attempts to shield his son, Siddhartha ventured outside and observed a leper, a corpse, and an ascetic. From his observations he determined that happiness was an illusion and as soon as his first son was born he left the kingdom on a pilgrimage of inquiry. For six or seven years, he sought communion with the supreme cosmic spirit, first through the teaching of two Brahmin hermits and then in the company of five monks. Despite gaining this knowledge, he did not believe that he had found truth. At this point he discovered the importance of what he called the Middle Way. Instead of denying himself food or sleep or even worldly things like the monks did, he consumed food and did not deny himself worldly things. This angered the monks and Siddhartha decided it was best for him to continue on him pilgrimage. As the story goes, at Gaya in northeast India, he sat at the foot of a fig tree where Mara, the evil one, tried to thwart his becoming the Buddha. After withstanding the temptations from Mara, he received a revelation. He then felt he knew the way to escape the cruel cycle of rebirth and claimed to have discovered the four noble truths (Pativedhanana) and henceforth was the Buddha. He decided he would not retreat into solitude with his knowledge as the monks had done, but instead share his new found knowledge with others. Siddhartha died shortly after consuming poisoned food from a black smith. His followers then convened and created a system of doctrines of this teachings. These were first passed down orally by Buddhist monks for many generations. In 80 BC, Buddhist scribes finally compiled the teachings of the Buddha on paper, which became the Pali Canon, also called the Triptaka. These teachings contained the rules of conduct, methods of spiritual attainment, and the ethics taught by the Buddha. Buddhism is based on the â€Å"Wheel of the Law.†Contrary to the Hindu cast system which you could only move through by incarnation, the Buddhists recruited disciples from all castes. According to Buddha, nirvana, or deliverance from suffering, is extended to everyone who strictly obeys the laws of monastic life. It was believed however, that the cast system was important for the framework of temporal life. The Buddha rejected subservience of any kind to a supreme God and denied belief in an eternal self. While he still did believe that karma would determine the kind of rebirth and quality of life one would have at rebirth, he didn’t believe it was a self or soul that was reborn. He taught instead that there is a rearrangement of the elements of a person’s identity, which are called â€Å"self.†The new elf is then comprised of the same parts. The Brahmins of India taught that nirvana was attained when the soul becomes one with the Universal soul, Buddha held that nirvana is actually the termination of rebirths. That means that once Nirvana is achieved you are â€Å"done†and cease to exist. Buddha also believed that we are temporal creations born to lives of sorrow and suffering. This suffering is a result of selfish desires that chain people to the wheel of insubstantial impermanent things. Thus, living according to the Dharma will help one eliminate these desires and then it leads you to Nirvana. According to Buddha, the way to deliverance is summed up in four noble truths. The first is the universality of suffering which means that we suffer sorrow until deliverance is achieved. Then the origin of suffering says that suffering is caused by the false desires of the senses that have been deceived into clinging to the impermanent world. The quest for immortality further aggravates human suffering. The third i s overcoming of suffering which states that if the desire that causes suffering is suppressed, abandoned, or rejected this would nullify the effects. The last way to achieve deliverance is the way leading to the suppression of suffering. The noble eightfold path is a sacred path with eight called right views of understanding, right aspirations, right speech, right conduct or action, right livelihood, right effort or endeavor, right mind control or concentration, and right mindfulness. These are all different dimension of a total way of life. While Buddha did not deny the existence of gods, he taught that the worship of gods obstructed one’s quest for nirvana. From the eighteen schools of Buddhist teaching, three major branches of Buddhism eventually formed which are the Theravada (the doctrine of elders), the Mahayana (the Great Wheel), and the Vajrayana (the Diamond Vehicle). These groups make up the Buddhist community and the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha are known as the â€Å"Three Jewels†of Buddhism. Although Hinduism and Buddhism are considered world religions, they are very different in many ways. Hinduism teaches that there are gods that need to be respected but Buddhism does not teach that praising a godly figure will get you any closer to the deliverance that is the main goal of Buddhism. Hinduism also teaches that one is reborn and the way your life is lived now can influence you in your next life based on the teaching of karma. Buddhism teaches that you are not reborn but that you must strive for the ultimate goal which is nirvana. In the teachings of Buddhism, you are not reborn but merely cease to exist once nirvana is reached. The three major groups of Buddism, the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha could be compared to the Trimurti which are all greatly worships. Hinduism respects the gods and Buddhism respects the three main teachings. Both religions greatly respect the giving of one’s self to the purpose of reaching personal salvation through either bett ering your standing in the next life as in Hinduism or reaching nirvana as in Buddism. Hinduism and Buddism are similar in that they both require the search for reality and the highest truth. Research Papers on Comparing Hinduism and Buddhism - World Religion EssayCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionGenetic EngineeringComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andPETSTEL analysis of IndiaAnalysis Of A Cosmetics Advertisement19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Word Choice Comprise vs. Compose
Word Choice Comprise vs. Compose Word Choice: Comprise vs. Compose At this rate, it won’t be long before even pedants give up on the difference between â€Å"comprise†and â€Å"compose.†After all, â€Å"comprise†is frequently misused, particularly by people writing â€Å"comprised of†when they mean â€Å"composed of.†But it’s our job as Guardians of Language (it sounds snazzier than â€Å"proofreaders†) to defend against grammatical abuses. So, in this post, we explain how â€Å"comprise†and â€Å"compose†should be used. Comprise (To Contain or Include) The verb â€Å"comprise†means â€Å"contain†or â€Å"consist of,†so it is used when describing a whole that includes multiple parts or components: The United States comprises fifty states. Here, â€Å"comprises†shows that the United States (as a whole) includes fifty individual states. Typically, when using â€Å"comprise,†the whole should come before the parts in the sentence. Compose (To Make Up or Constitute) While also a verb, â€Å"compose†means â€Å"make up†or â€Å"constitute.†As such, we could invert the example above to say: Together, fifty states compose the United States as a republic. In this sentence, the focus is on how the fifty individual states combine to form the United States as a country. Those stars arent just there to look pretty. [Photo: Jnn13]We also see why â€Å"composed of†is acceptable while â€Å"comprised of†isn’t, since â€Å"compose†focuses on the parts that constitute the whole. We can therefore rewrite the example sentence again as: The United States is composed of fifty states. More generally, â€Å"compose†can also mean â€Å"create an artistic work†(particularly music or a painting), or even â€Å"calm oneself†(where its a variation of â€Å"composure,†meaning tranquility). Comprise or Compose? The problem with â€Å"comprised of†is that â€Å"comprise†is the opposite of â€Å"compose,†not a synonym. In short, they can’t be used interchangeably. One good way to remember this is the following: The whole comprises the parts; the parts compose the whole. Here we see how both terms refer to how something is constituted, but from opposite directions; while â€Å"comprise†describes the components as belonging to a whole, â€Å"compose†describes the whole as constituted by its parts.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
GUNNS AND THE AUSTRALIAN PULP AND MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY - Research Paper Example This study highlights the strategic problems of the company and suggests measures that can be taken up by the company to ensure its sustainable growth in future. The external environment of the company has been analysed using PESTEL analysis and the various competitive factors affecting the company have been identified utilising the Porter’s five forces model analysis concerning the global paper industry. The strict environmental regulations and the strong supplier power in the paper industry are identified to be having a significant impact on the company. The internal environment of the company has also been analysed utilising SWOT analysis as the strategic tool. The core competencies of the company have been identified to be its diversified products portfolio and it is trying to attain competitive advantage in the market through the strengthening of its core competencies. The financial analysis of the company shows that indebtedness is a major problem of the company and it i s facing difficulty to source its fund for future investments. Based on the in-depth analysis of the company and its environmental conditions the best strategic alternative for the company has been identified to restructure its business model, focusing more on plantation based business and accepting the proposed investment proposal related to Bell Bay pulpwood mill. 2. External Environmental Analysis Gunns Ltd. is engaged in the business activities related to forest management, processing, milling, exportation and merchandising of wood products (Bloomberg, 2012). The company operates its business in the global paper industry and the external environmental analysis of the company has been done in this study utilising various strategic tools like PESTEL analysis and Porter's Five Forces Model. 2.1 PESTEL Analysis PESTLE stands for Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental factors. It is an external environmental analysis tool which helps the organisations t o determine the external trends (Knowhownonprofit, n.d.). Hence Gunns Ltd. which is an Australian company, the country’s business environment can be better understood through the PESTEL analysis presented below: (Source: Businessmate, n.d.). a. Political: Different types of social welfare policies have been undertaken by the Australian government in the recent years like lending support to the aging people and the introduction of the scheme of paid parental leave. Apart from this the carbon tax was enacted by the Australian government recently but had to face protest from different industrial sectors of the country (BBC News Asia, 2012). b. Economical: There has been a steady growth of the Australian economy in the past 10 years. It is likely that the economy would continue to be strong paving way to further industrial growth and development in the nation. On the other and the indebtedness of Australia has increased which is evident from the rise of external debt as a percent age of GDP. At the end of the year 2011, Australia's debt from foreign countries grew to around 94.58% of GDP (Marketline, 2012). c. Social: In accordance with Central Intelligence (CIA) World Factbook the Gini coefficient of Australia ranges from 0 to 100, i.e. from perfect equality to inequality were 30.5 in 2006. The aging population of the country is also on
Friday, November 1, 2019
Apocalyptic Eschatology and the Delay of Parousia Essay
Apocalyptic Eschatology and the Delay of Parousia - Essay Example 2006). Parousia is Greek word which means presence or arrival. In an ancient Greek speaking world, it was used to describe the ceremonial visit of a ruler or the apparition of a god. In the New Testament it is used of the appearance or coming of the glorified Christ at the close of salvation history (Harrington, W.). The Pauline epistles are the fourteenth books in the New Testament that has been ascribed as to the Apostle Paul. The epistles of Paul have influenced the Christian theology and ethics. The epistles include controversies in the Christianity, his views and observation on several books in the Old Testament. Pauline epistles are divided in different subgroups depending on whose church he addressed to. The subgroup are as follows: Epistles to the Romans, First Epistle to the Corinthians, Epistle to the Galatians, Epistle to the Ephesians, Epistle to the Philippians, Epistle to the Colossians, First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, First epistle to Timothy, Second epistle to Timothy, Epistle to Titus, Epistle to Philemon, Epistle to the Hebrews. Paul on his writings assumes that the basic temporal scheme fo Jewish apocalyptic speculation which make mention of the two ages, the Old Age under Satan and the New Age God's power will dominate. He believed that God's sending of his Son, Jesus Christ had already inaugurated the New Age; yet the event had not wholly obliterated the Old Age with its powers of sin and death. For him the ultimate outcome of the apocalyptic would be the victory of the Old Age, because God struck the decisive blow for freedom in the cross. In Corinthians 2:8 the crucifixion was attributed as to the ruler of the Old Age, which refers to both the political authorities involved and to the demonic powers at work in and through them. Thus, according to Paul, the cross will symbolize the strange power of God, a power made perfect in weakness. God affirmed this power by raising Jesus Christ from the dead, by sending the Holy Spirit, and by establishing the Church as the foundation of his New Age. The Pauline eschatology lies between the older documents in which the Chiliastic view appears and this later efflorescence of it in 4 Ezra and Baruch. It is affirmed that Paul expects a double resurrection, one of a certain class of the delay of Parousia, and that of the remaining dead at the consummation of the world before the judgement, and that he places the glorious reign of Christ between these two resurrections1. According to the Pauline epistle addressed to the Roman church both the righteous and the wicked will be judged on the same day: "But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who " who will render to each one according to his deeds: eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honour, and immortality; but to
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Cultural Norm Assignment cultural anthropology using book by carol r Essay
Cultural Norm Assignment cultural anthropology using book by carol r. ember Melvin Ember - Essay Example The definition of culture that relies on social groups means that it is a relative concept that varies from one cultural group to another (28). One of the major characteristics of culture is its dynamism that can be considered from two perspectives, cross sectional dynamism and dynamism. Cultural dynamism refers to transition in cultural constructs within a cultural group over a period, or across cultural groups. Dynamism within a group may for example be realized across generations while dynamism across groups identifies fundamental differences in values and practices among cultures. The dynamic feature of culture is important to anthropologists’ interest of understanding and explaining how the changes occur and driving factors behind the changes (Ember and Ember, 6). Other important characteristics of culture include mode of learning that is social, the fact that it is shared among members of a community and its associated symbols. Anthropologists therefore need to understand what culture is and how it works so that they can identify and develop meanings from the different characteristics of culture. This is particularly important with indigenous cultures whose fundamentals can be traced over time, and compared with other cultures (Anthro 1). The observed cultural norms in a nursing set up were scientific belief on causes of illness and honest expressions in communications. These two are considered norms because they are common practices that have been historically observed and considered cultural. They facilitate service delivery in the health care set up that requires cooperation between care personnel and patients. Cultural belief on causes of diseases is for example instrumental on a patient’s willingness to seek treatment and the scientific norm of causes of diseases facilitates scientific approaches towards provision of health
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Business environment facing lafarge cement of UK
Business environment facing lafarge cement of UK Introduction Lafarge has been a major player in the UK construction sector since entering the British market in 1987 acquiring Redland in 1997 and Blue Circle in 2001. Today, Lafarge is the market-leader in cement and holds top-ranking positions in aggregates, concrete and plasterboard. Lafarge has three sister companies in Britain Lafarge Cement UK, Lafarge Aggregates Concrete UK and Lafarge Plasterboard UK. Lafarge is passionate about customer care and proud of its active approach to sustainability and safety ( 2009). This piece of work will explore the business environment facing Lafarge and establish a few strategic priorities going into the future. A Summary Statement of Findings This summary statement of findings analyses the UK construction industry, which is a major sector in the UK economy. The industry has a high political and social profile due to it key role in providing housing, its impact on the environment and its part as a major employer. It accounts for approximately 10% of the UK GDP and provides for over half its fixed capital investment. The industry experienced rapid growth in the 1980s but a recession in the early 1990s had severe repercussions resulting in its output plummeting, as show is Appendix . However, the volume of work already in progress cushioned the impact. The output of the UK construction industry increased from 55 million in the mid 1980s to an excess of  £110 million by 2007; a remarkable increase in real terms when considering the relative low levels of inflation. However, this increase all changed in 2008 as problems in the US sub-prime mortgage market triggered a catastrophic crash in the US banking sector, which in turn created problems in UK financial markets. This triggered a huge recession in the UK which sent the output of the UK Construction industry to fall 1.1% in 2008. The downside of the economic recession hit construction industry the hardest. This is as this industry runs on credit, more than others, and a credit squeeze affected it badly. Moreover, from the other side customers we re trying to spend as little as possible, squeezing the margins that construction companies were working on. Lafarges performance within the UK business environment during 2008 saw a decline as discussed in Appendix ?. This decline was caused by the recession that hit the UK market in early 2008; the construction sector shrank at its fastest pace since records began. This reduced government and public spending which had a major impact on Lafarge as less government spending meant less money went on the new infrastructure schemes which reduced Lafarge Contracting sales which in turn reduced material sales This had a big effect on Lafarge UK figures as they seen an immense slump in 2008 figures compared to what they were in 2007. A Review and Analysis into the Business Environment of the UK Construction Industry Business environment at Lafarge UK The best method to discover the happenings of a business environment around a company is to undertake a PESTEL analysis. By undertaking a PESTEL analysis it will help one to understand the environment within which Lafarge works better. Looking at the construction industry in general, some of the political issues surrounding them are: Political factors * The UK government is clearly pushing for more affordable housing within the country and this includes both public sector and private sector housing. So it can be said that good or decent housing needs to the people of the country is quite an important political issue. * The Government is involved with housing projects through private finance initiatives and public private partnerships, as these tend to be key aspects of housing projects involving financing, building and operating for these projects. This level of government involvement does mean that it has political implications like selecting projects or choosing partners as well as financial implications. * The UK construction industry is very large in terms of employment, revenue generation and importance to the economy. This high profile nature of the company means the Government usually takes its concerns very seriously and cannot afford to not be empathetic towards the industry. * The constantly spiralling prices of housing within the country points to the need of having affordable housing. Affordable housing schemes means more houses will be built and thus definitely have an impact on all parts of the construction industry including that of Lafarge. * The problem with a high profile industry is that it brings about a lot of regulations with it, thus needs like planning permission and so cause a lot of delay in projects involving a lot of debate and to some extent bureaucracy. Economic Factors  · The construction industry has a more than  £100 bn turnover and this making it one of the largest sectors of the country. This clearly specifies scope for Lafarge, especially as it has the reach and resources to be a big player within the industry.  · The downside of the economic recession has hit construction industry the hardest. This is as this industry runs on credit, more than others, and a credit squeeze affected it badly. Moreover, from the other side customers were trying to spend as little as possible, squeezing the margins that construction companies were working on. Although the economy is recovering but coming out of a long recession, the industry will take time to reach its pre recession levels.  · One of the implications of being part of the construction industrys that the Government is tightening the environmental norms all the time thus it adds to the financial burden of the company as they have to deal with directives, clauses and other pieces of legislation. Social Factors  · There is some skill shortage within the construction industry hence an effort is being made by all companies to hire young, talented people. This can affect Lafarge as they will need to invest time and money into the training of these individuals but as a long-term investment it is good for the company.  · The changes in society have been bringing about a change in the housing needs for people and fast. As more people are living alone, marrying later and old people living longer, distinct changes in housing pattern can be seen. This will increase the need for single occupancy housing thus this needs to be thought of by all constituents of the construction industry.  · With the ever increasing need for sustainable development, housing projects are affecting nearby retail, commercial and public buildings too. This again changes the way the industry functions or will do in the future. Technological Factors  · Regulations regarding buildings continue to add towards bettering energy efficiency and putting demand on other such technological factors in relation to buildings. This again adds to the financial burden of the companies like Lafarge and a major investment in RD results due to this.  · New and improved building materials are also a major research within the industry. The need of the hour is to come up with materials that are sustainable, good for the environment but still functional. Hence work is being carried out to satisfy the next generation of demands.  · Methods that are being used within the industry to build houses are giving rise to new methods of assembly and modulation. New improvements include developing structured insulated panels that provide thermally insulated sheet materials. For further information, Appendix offers a further review and analysis into the business environment of the UK construction industry. Lafarge does operate within the larger construction industry sector; however this section will explore the building materials sector, which is Lafarges core operating territory. This section will look at the environment for that particular sector. Sector overview As hinted in the last section that construction industry is undergoing a lot many changes and the building materials sector is no different. As emerging markets become urbanized and their demand for materials grows, so does the need to align to these markets. Within the more developed economies, environment and sustainability have become major points and as people gain awareness, companies like Lafarge will need to take those demands into consideration. Some of the key strategic directions taken by Lafarge are: Expansion of emerging markets There has been a thorough realignment in favour of emerging economies both in Europe and abroad. Around the world, cement production is growing at 5% each year which means that every year 100 million tones of cement is being consumed. Reports show that 70% of world demand is going to come from these sectors hence Lafarge will need to make itself a leading player in these markets. Lafarges current strategy in this regard is quite good, as it has acquired a lot of Cement companies in every region around the world. In fact including Asia, Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, this region contributes to 37% of its turnover and nearly half of its cement turnover. Lafarge is without doubt moving towards a strategy of more value creation. To elaborate, its programs are creating nearly 50 million tonnes of additional cement capacity by 2012. This is in addition to the aggregates and gypsum business. Reducing costs There are a lot of general costs associated with the manufacture of building products and can be broken down as follows: Energy accounts for 33% of the cost of producing cement, Raw materials (more than 50% of which are cement) represent 75% of the cost of ready-mix concrete Delivery expenses account for approximately 20% of the cost, raw materials (primarily gypsum and paper) represent 40% of the cost of plasterboard, energy, raw materials and labour represent 50% of the cost of producing aggregates. Lafarge will need to reduce all costs associated with material manufacture, especially considering the economic crisis in general. It has already started a program that reduces costs by à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬200 million by the start of 2010 and over a period of three years, a cost cutting of nearly à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬400 million. (see appendix ?) This is in addition to the cost cutting exercise over 2006-08 of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬400 million. It has also put a cap on expenditure at à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 2 billion for 2009. These new financial initiatives have completely set Lafarge in a new strategic direction. Cost cutting will definitely improving the companys financial health and enable it to operate on better margins. Reducing environmental footprint of Lafarge operations If one looks at the industry in general there is a lot of waste production along with pollution, dust and other harmful ingredients in the atmosphere. Those materials that are waste derived are actively needed by the cement industry. These are used as replacement for fossil fuel and other raw materials. This measure is only taken forward if the materials can be safe to use and are of high technical quality. Along with all of this if the regulatory norms are met then these materials can be used and are a boon for the industry. The entire industry is now using over 1.4 million tonnes of waste this way and a major contributor in helping the UK government to meet its environmental targets. Coming back to Lafarge, it has been trying to reduce CO2 it produces and emits in accordance to the regulations set by governments all around the world. The current strategy of Lafarge is to improving its material making processes including modernizing plants. It also is rapidly propagating the use of alternative fuels for its production. Another important step taken by the company is moving towards sustainable construction. Building or construction of any sort does lead to consumption of huge swathes of energy and nearly 40% of all CO2 can be attributed to it. Lafarge is working hard at making better buildings using better materials and processes. Lafarge is looking at changing the lifecycle of making building products and incorporating using recyclable materials and renewable energy in order to reduce pollution. Evaluating the future impact of the UK business environment on Lafarge Some important themes have emerged from the previous sections of this piece of work that will help one to recommend future strategies to Lafarge. As far as strategic direction goes Lafarge has to align the company in two directions: First, it needs to keep investing in the emerging markets by strategically acquiring cement companies or starting Greenfield projects if needed. Its taking over of Orascom cement clearly shows that organic growth is important for the company and needs to continue in the same vein. (see appendix ?) Second, innovation via investment in RD is crucial for its long-term benefit. As companies and people grow more aware of the issues surrounding the environment, recyclable and sustainable practices, including materials processes, production needs to be incorporated. This will require a lot of effort and investment as well as a new way of thinking. Other than these main priorities the company can look at other strategic priorities for its operations. These include reducing costs further to enhance the value of the company. Lean operations within this sector will it streamline its operations. In addition, Health safety remains a big area to improve on and such activities will definitely strengthen its position in the market. Conclusion This piece of work looked at the construction industry in the UK and Lafarge materials in particular, to understand the way in which its business environment affects its operations. The work conducted a PESTEL analysis to understand the main challenges facing the construction industry in general. It then went on to conduct a sector overview of the building materials industry, where Lafarge truly operates. One also explored the strategic initiatives started by Lafarge. Finally, based on the current and future trends recommendations were made on Lafarges future strategy. REFERENCES: * Accountancy Ireland (2006), February, Vol. 38, No.1 * Anonymous Contract Journal (2006), September, ABI/INFORM Trade Industry Contract Journal, February, Vol. 442, No. 6664 * Druker, J. and White, G. (1995), Misunderstood and undervalued? Personnel management in construction, Human Resource Management Journal, 5:3, pp. 77-91. * Hollinshead, G., Nicholls, P. and Tailby, S. (1999), Employee Relations, Financial Times/Pitman, London. * Lafarge (2009). [Online].[Accessed 12th Januray 2010]. * Mineral Products Association(2008). Performance 2008: A sector plan report from the cement industry. * Oxley R., Poskitt J. (1996), Management Techniques Applied to Construction Industry, Blackwell Publishing, Fifth Edition. Identifying and applying suitable business performance measures to Lafarge Lafarge had an average current ratio in 2007 in relation to its market but this decreased in 2008. Lafarges low current ratio indicates that it barely has sufficient assets available to pay its liabilities. There are many things Lafarge could do to raise there current ratio which are increasing its current assets from loans or other borrowings with a maturity of more than one year, convert non-current assets into current assets or putting profits back into the business could help. Lafarges debtor ratio represents a longer then average duration in obtaining payment for its debts owed compared to that of rival company Aggregate Industries Ltd. This indicates a struggle to obtain payment for work completed, or highlights a need to offer costly credit terms to compete with its rivals. Imposing stricter credit controls can help reduce Lafarges debtor days and improve cash flow. Alternatively, creditor ratio suggests Lafarge are paying there creditors to promptly the creditor ratio is below the market average and Lafarge are not taking advantage of the free cash flow the creditors offer. This could cause working capital issues. Lafarges weak working capital results over the past two year indicate they do not have the liquidity to meet outstanding obligations. Lafarges cash outflow is quicker than its cash inflow. However the debt to equity ratio suggests otherwise. Lafarge has no long term debt indicating strong financial strength as they can always take up debt in future to fund potential projects. A strong interest cover over 2007/2008 indicate that Lafarge has enough equity to pay its loan interest and meet its legal obligations. A zero dividend yield indicates that Lafarges shares have not matured over the past two years. Potential share holders may be discouraged by this. Its strong acid test ratio proves that current assets are not dependable on inventory-which shows strong financial integrity. A negative return on capitally employed questions Lafarges performance, although they have a strong equity base they are still making a loss. Its declining trading profit margin solidifies this by suggesting a potential loss of competitive advantage. A healthy year on year performance in return on equity indicates a strong level of profitability, high market valuation and utilization of its invested capital. A steady low dividend figure along with stable profit levels indicate a good record of using its retained earnings to generate future growth and profits. For further information, Appendix offer a complete evaluation, as well as the subsequent results of Lafarges business performance.
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