Sunday, November 10, 2019
Lesson Plans and Lesson Presentations
Lesson 1Course: World History Date: Grade level: 9,10,11 Estimated time: 1hour 30 minutes Topic: The beginning of the WWII Arizona State Standards: Bell Work:Do you know what war is considered to be the greatest tragedy of all nations?Do you agree wiyh this definition? Why or why not?How do you personally feel about WWII?Anticipatory Set: (Motivation)The students are shown 5 minute video stating the losses that the world in general and the US in particular had to suffer after the WWII.Lesson Objective:Students will be able to identify:The causes of the WWII; Main participants; The start of the war. Students will be able to write at least 2 main dates in the history of WWII.The students will be able to form their own opinion who was the initiator of the war and how it could be avoided, if could at all.The main conceptual objective is to make students critically think and analyse historical events.Lesson Overview/Procedure:The teacher asks the students to remember what had happened after the WWI and what specific treaties were signed. Then he/she leads active discussion about Versailles Treaty, its positive and negative sides. In advance, the teacher gives an individual task for three students to prepare an overview of economic and political situation in postwar Germany, Italy, and Japan respectively. After that, the class is divided into 5 groups representing five countries (regions): Germany, Italy, Japan, former USSR plus Western Europe, and the USA. All of these groups are given 7 minutes to prepare their possible reasons to be engaged in the war.When all of the reasons are announced, the teacher summarizes them and writes down the correct ones on the blackboard. Then the teacher asks one student (voluntarily) to identify key participants of the war, and again writes them on the blackboard. At this time another student is asked to show these countries on the map, pointing specifically at the territories they aspire to gain after the war. All this takes 40-45 minutes. After that the teacher initiates the topic about Moscow conference and invites three students to represent Molotov, Ribbentrop and Churchil l. The teacher asks students to defend the interests of their countries (USSR, Germany and Britain respectively), and the rest of the class should be willing to help. When the discussion is over, the teacher reveals the secret Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and explains its importance in the world history. After that he/she makes a short overview of the first military actions that signified the start of the WWII. Along with students he/she writes down the main dates:Hitler’s party foundation; Moscow conference; Molotov-Ribbentrop secret Pact; The official start of the WWII. Closure:The teacher gives the students a short quiz summarizing the key points of the lesson. In order to avoid students fear and resentment, he/she allows them to use their notes to answer the questions. When they are done, the teacher tells the correct answers and asks the students to check their own work. Only the good grades are fixed. However, the teacher warns that next time all the marks (both good and bad will be put).Extension/Fast finishers:For those who finishes quiz quickly, the teacher asks to fill in the table stating:The reasons of the war for specific countries; Country’s prominent political leaders; Country’s interest in the war. Each fast finisher gets a separate country. The teacher could check the assignment during the class (if there is enough time or prepare them for the next one).Assessment/Evaluation:The teacher refers to the objectives attained as the result of the lesson. Then, he points that in order to develop further students’ critical thinking skills he assigns the following homework. He/she also might ask students how they liked the interactive games and dialogues in order to evaluate the effectiveness of such method of teaching.Individual Student Practice:To write a two page essay expressing own opinion about what parties were guilty and why, and how the war could be possibly avoided, if could be at all.Teacher Reflection & References:1. Breuer B. â€Å"Deceptions of WWII†Wiley: New York, 20012. Morton L. â€Å"Targeting the World War II Generation†In Public Relations Quarterly. Vol.: 49., 20043. O’Brien K. â€Å"The Home-Front War: World War II and American Society†Greenwood Press: Westport, CT, 1995Materials List: textbook, notebook, hand map, pens/pencilsLesson 2Course: American History Date: Grade level: 11 Estimated time: 1hour 30 minutes Topic: Veteran’s Day Arizona State Standards:Bell Work:Do any of you have grandparents who survived the WWII?Did your relatives participate in any other American war?What does it mean to them? Did they share the memories?Anticipatory Set: (Motivation)Can you count all people you know that have taken part in any American war? Do you consider them heroes? Can you write just one sentence for them to tell or to send as a message to thank for their effort at this glorifying date  Veteran’s Day.Lesson Objective:Students wi ll be able to identify all the significant events in the US history involving wars.Students will be able recall the history of the Veteran’s Day holiday.Students will define the significance of the holiday for present and future generations.Lesson Overview/Procedure:The teacher asks the students to recall the major events in the US history, which involved military actions. He writes them all on the blackboard. Then the teacher invites one student to put those events/wars in the chronological order. When the student is done, the teacher together with the rest of the class checks the assignment. The teacher asks the student to choose four major American wars and divides the class into four groups accordingly.Each group is given 10 minutes to prepare a short report about the war (everything they know) including the memories of their relatives about the event (for instance, about the WWII). If possible, it is useful to provide each group with one laptop in order for them to make power point presentation. Then each group presents their overview and exchanges the opinion. Basically, the teacher doesn’t intrude, but just direct the discussion and control the time. When the discussion is over, the teacher tells who played a significant role founding the Veteran’s Day as it is. In advance, the teacher also arranges for one veteran of WWII to come to the class and share the experience. The teacher leaves 15-20 minutes for this veteran to share his experience. Extension/Fast finishers:For the group that makes presentation fast, the teacher prepares a statistical information about how many veterans there are in the USA, in what regions etc. He/she asks the group to get familiar with the information and to present it for additional mark. Another possible task is to write the slogans glorifying the courage of those participated in the war. After the writings are done, the big board should be hang on the blackboard.Closure:At the end of the class the tea cher collects the writings with greetings and wishes that students made at the beginning of the lesson and gives them to the veteran invited. He also gives the task for three students to prepare one war poem and learn it by heart. The end of the class is signified by reading of these three poems.Assessment/Evaluation:The teacher encourages the student to say a few words about the significance of the Veteran’s Day for them personally and for future generations. He asks the students to greet their relatives and other people they know who participated in the War.Individual Student Practice:The teacher asks to research the history of the Veteran’s day and prepare a detailed plan stating the main branches of the Veteran’s Day development.Teacher Reflection & References:1. Veteran’s day. Available: The History of Veteran’s day. Oct. 3, 2003. Available: . Adrian G. â€Å"The Silence of Memory: Armistice Day, 1919-1946†Berg: Oxford, 1994 Materials List: notebooks, separate sheet of paper, pen/pencil, laptop (if available)
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