Thursday, December 26, 2019
Analysis Of Jane Austens Persuasion - 1576 Words
Perfection in Austen’s Persuasion Jane Austen is know for writing sympathetic but realistically flawed female characters. Elizabeth Bennet is witty but prideful, Emma Woodhouse is well meaning but frightfully un-observant, and overcoming these flaws is what drives these characters’ arcs throughout their respective books. Yet in Austen’s novel, Persuasion, at first, Anne Elliot seems as if she is the perfect woman. She is a woman of â€Å"birth, beauty, and mind,†(Austen 20), she manages to be liked by nearly everyone she meets, and she was the only one to keep a calm head when Louisa fell in Lyme (79). However ideal she may seem though, she is not flawless. Anne Elliot’s greatest fault is that she suffers from a lack of courage and nerve, and†¦show more content†¦Yet besides a simple suggestion that it is the woman’s job to look after the children, Anne doesn’t tell Mary that her behavior is egotistical, and actually uses Mar y’s outburst to avoid seeing Captain Wentworth by suggesting that she herself will look after the child (41). Anne does not challenge Mary’s poor behavior even when it is blatantly selfish and even compromises with her in order to further avoid a different type of confrontation. This is not the only time that one of Anne’s family members acts disagreeable in such an obvious fashion. Her father s character is so shallow that he only cares about looks and rank (4), rarely acts in a way that is not displeasing or ridiculous to the reader, and has overspent all of his money and is now in debt (8). Austen even states that Sir. Walter has â€Å"no affection for Anne,†(175) his own daughter. He goes so far as to make fun of the appearance of a man who served in the navy (15). We as the reader can see that Sir. Walter has no redeemable qualities, and yet Anne does not stand up to him when he disproves of her engagement with Wentworth when she is younger (20). Au sten does say that, â€Å"it might have been possible to withstand her [Anne’s] father’s ill will,†(21) and it is ultimately Lady Russel that convinces Anne to sever the relationship, but young Anne never tries to defend herself against SirShow MoreRelatedA Close Analysis Of Jane Austen s Persuasion1098 Words  | 5 PagesA close analysis of Jane Austen’s Persuasion (Extract 3) Many readers of Persuasion believe Austen uses the namesake â€Å"persuasion†too neutrally. She appears to passively describe the results when the protagonist is persuaded to abandon Wentworth’s first proposal, but actually has much to say on being persuadable, and mainly argues that it is not inherently wrong. 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Jane Austen explores the theme of individuality in her novel, Persuasion. By prizing theory of mind and free indirect discourse, Austen proposes an argument against the dhavni of the time period in which she wrote, England’s Georgian era. Austen suggests individuality and one’s own desires should be valued above those of the surrounding society. Anne Elliot, the main character in Persuasion, contrasts with other characters in the novel. WhileRead MoreFeminism in Northanger Abbey and Persuasion by Jane Austen1940 Words  | 8 PagesFeminism in Northanger Abbey From my point of view, Jane Austen should be seen as a ‘feminist’ writer. As she wrote in one of her novel Persuasion, she considers that ‘Men have had every advantage of us in telling their own story. Education has been theirs in so much higher a degree; the pen has been in their hands. I will not allow books to prove anything’ (Anne Elliot, in Jane Austen’s Persuasion). 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
John Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men - 1614 Words
People may think that calling someone a crazy bastard and constant yelling at someone is harsh and cruel, the opposite of a loving relationship. In one of John Steinbeck s novels,â€Å" Of Mice and Men,†it tells of two main characters, George and Lennie, who travel together in yearning for a brighter future. However, people do not know the real story behind George and Lennie’s unique friendship, a friendship that takes them on some wild adventures only resulting in a heartbreaking ending. From the beginning, George seems to come off as a little brutal and inhumane in the way he speaks to Lennie at times. However, throughout, the story we learn that George truly does care for Lennie and that he holds a special place in George’s heart. It is evident that, through the course of George’s actions in the story, he sincerely wants Lennie to have a better life and not to have the constant worry of his safety being in jeopardy. Even the little things that George d oes like the way he always apologizes to Lennie, ensuring that he will always have a safe place to go whenever danger strikes, and the guarantee of a better life for Lennie through their American dream clearly shows that George wants only the best for him and nothing less. It all begins with the death of Lennie’s Aunt Clara which leaves George to care for Lennie all by himself. Despite Lennie’s short-term memory loss that causes a real burden on George, Lennie also gets himself into some serious troubles that could cost himShow MoreRelatedJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1248 Words  | 5 PagesIn Steinbeck s novel Of Mice and Men, He uses imagery many times to create a realistic setting and plot. Steinbeck’s depiction of migrant workers and their daily complications during the depression are objectively precise due to his use of imagery with idioms, dreams, nature, loneliness and animal imagery. The main theme of the book transpires to be loneliness and fate. While George and Lennie, the main characters have a synergetic relationship, fate steps in and does away with their dreams, whichRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men897 Words  | 4 Pagesthat we possess. Many people feel certain emotions based on events that have t aken place in their lifetime or how they were raised throughout their childhood. In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, he portrays the feelings of isolation and loneliness in three different characters. George’s isolation is illustrated in Steinbeck’s, Of Mice and Men. George expresses many hard feelings towards Lennie at the opening of this story. â€Å"‘’re a lot of trouble,’ said George. ‘I could get along so easy and soRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1243 Words  | 5 Pagesis what John Steinbeck achieves by portraying this through the characters in his novella Of Mice and Men. The main characters are affected by loneliness in their own different way throughout the novella. rf The loneliness is maintained by the challenges that the characters have to face, and they sustain those challenges of being inhumane towards each other. Crook, a figure in the story who experiences discrimination encounters the challenge of race, due to the book’s setting in the 1930’s duringRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1080 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"I want you to stay with me Lennie. Jesus Christ, somebody’d shoot you for a coyote if you was by yourself.†The novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck shows the relationship between two migrant workers in the 1930s, George and Lennie, along with the other members on the new ranch that they began working on. Georgie and Lennie dreamed of following the American Dream and owning their own patch of land and the novel revolves around the dream and the obstacles that stand in their way. Lennie, a strongRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1286 Words  | 6 PagesThe realistic fiction novella O f Mice And Men by John Steinbeck explains the journey of two migrant farm workers. Lennie and George are forced to overcome the Dust Bowl and The Great Depression around 1938. This makes jobs even harder to come by because everyone wanted one. Lennie and George were kicked out of Weed and they now work at a ranch in Soledad. At the new farm the friendship between Lennie and George becomes harder to maintain. The people on the farm are all different shapes, sizes, andRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men2167 Words  | 9 Pagesjobs. In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, George Milton and Lennie Small wander through California in search of a new job that would help them make enough money to live their American dream on â€Å"the fatta the lan’†(Steinbeck 14). George and Lennie’s hard work and determination is not enough for them to live their dream. Lennie has a mental disability that slows the two friends down from living their dream; they have to ru n from job to job because of Lennie’s unintentional actions. Steinbeck incorporatesRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1360 Words  | 6 Pagesfeeling, thinking and acting in everyday life. In the story Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, a duo of farmers, George and Lennie, search for work wherever they can. Their dream of having a farm of their own is coming into reach, while George has to wield Lennie away from the temptation of Curley’s wife and the reality of what Lennie can do. John Steinbeck uses characterization to illustrate the nature of human existence. Steinbeck portrays George as a man who tries to help, and helps others soRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1448 Words  | 6 Pages In the novella, Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck discusses the idea of loneliness and how people who work at the ranch have no family and no future in lives. He indicates that all people at the ranch are lonely, but he specifically uses a few characters to highlight their state of being lonely and more miserable than the others. He emphasizes the loneliness of ranch life during the Great Depression, and shows how people are willing to try and find friendship in order to escape from the state ofRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1205 Words  | 5 Pagesand the time period of John Steinbeck s novella, Of Mice and Men, exemplifies the idea that people from minorities are held back from achieving their version of the ‘American Dream’. This goes to prove not everyone will overcome the overbearing tidal waves of their hardship s, which makes the American Dream nothing more than a dream to them. Crooks, the black stable hand, faces discrimination due to his skin color as this unfortunately was common in the 1930’s. John Steinbeck uses Crooks’ situationRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men968 Words  | 4 PagesSolidifying the theme of John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, the protagonist George expresses his significant loneliness despite a strong kinship with his friend Lennie, â€Å"’I ain’t got no people†¦ I seen the guys that go around the ranches alone. That ain’t no good’†(41). Published in 1937, amidst the horrific turmoil of the Great Depression, Steinbeck’s novella struck a sensitive chord with readers. Set in the heart of California’s Central Valley, this story follows two men, George and Lennie, as they
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Review of Related Literature Essay Sample free essay sample
Diabetess. besides known as diabetes mellitus is described by HealthRiight. com as a chronic wellness status where the organic structure is unable to bring forth adequate insulin and decently interrupt down sugar ( glucose ) in the blood. Glucose comes from nutrient and is used by the cells for energy. Glucose is besides made in the liver. Insulin is a endocrine produced by the pancreas. a big secretory organ behind the tummy. Insulin is needed to travel sugar into the cells where it can be used for energy needed for organic structure procedures. With Type 1 diabetes. the organic structure does non do any insulin. With Type 2 diabetes. the more common type. the organic structure does non do or utilize insulin decently. Without adequate insulin. glucose corsets in the blood and causes a status called hyperglycaemia. or high blood sugar degrees. Diabetes is associated with long-run complications that affect about every portion of the organic structure. We will write a custom essay sample on Review of Related Literature Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The disease frequently leads to blindness. bosom and blood vas disease. shot. kidney failure. amputations. and nerve harm. Uncontrolled diabetes can perplex gestation. and birth defects are more common in babes born to adult females with diabetes. Pregnant adult females can temporarily develop gestational diabetes. a type of diabetes that begins tardily in gestation. TYPES OF DIABETESPre-diabetes: Persons with pre-diabetes have blood glucose degrees that are higher than normal but non high plenty for a diagnosing of diabetes. This status raises the hazard of developing type 2 diabetes. bosom disease. and stroke. Type 1 diabetes: Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. An autoimmune disease consequences when the body’s immune system that fights infection begins to assail a portion of the organic structure. In diabetes. the immune system onslaughts and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. The pancreas so produces no insulin. An single with type 1 diabetes must take insulin daily for proper blood sugar control. Type 2 diabetes: The most common signifier of diabetes is type 2 diabetes. About 90-95 % of persons with diabetes have type 2. This signifier of diabetes is most frequently associated with older age. fleshiness. household history of diabetes. old history of gestational diabetes ( diabetes developed during gestation ) . physical inaction. and certain ethnicities. About 80 % of persons with type 2 diabetes are fleshy. Type 2 diabetes can be treated with diet. exercising. and unwritten prescription medicines but may necessitate insulin shootings. Gestational diabetes: Some adult females develop gestational diabetes tardily in gestation. Although this signifier of diabetes normally disappears after the birth of the babe. adult females who have had gestational diabetes have a 20-50 % opportunity of developing type 2 diabetes within 5-10 old ages. Keeping a sensible organic structure weight and being physically active may assist forestall development of gestational diabetes turning into type 2 diabetes. Treatment Treatment for diabetes is a womb-to-tomb committedness of supervising blood sugar. taking insulin if prescribed. keeping a healthy weight. eating healthy nutrients. and exerting on a regular basis. The end is to maintain your blood sugar degree as near to normal as possible to detain or forestall complications. In fact. tight control of blood sugar degrees can cut down the hazard of diabetes-related bosom onslaughts and shots by more than 50 % . Medicines: Insulin and unwritten medicines: Many persons with diabetes can pull off their blood sugar with diet and exercising entirely. but some need diabetes medicines or insulin therapy. In add-on to diabetes medicines. a physician might order low-dose aspirin therapy to assist forestall bosom and blood vas disease. Aspirin prevents blood from coagulating by barricading the production of thromboxane A-2. a chemical that platelets produce that causes them to clop. Aspirin accomplishes this by suppressing the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase-1 ( COX-1 ) that produces thromboxane A-2. Many unwritten or injected medicines can be used to handle type 2 diabetes. Some diabetes medicines stimulate the pancreas to bring forth and let go of more insulin. Others inhibit the production and release of glucose from the liver. which means the single needs less insulin to transport sugar into the cells. Still others block the action of tummy enzymes that break down saccharides or do tissues more sensitive to insulin. On the other manus. National Diabetics Information Clearhouse defined it as a group of diseases marked by high degrees of blood glucose. besides called blood sugar. ensuing from defects in insulin production. insulin action. or both. Diabetess can take to serious complications and premature decease. but people with diabetes can take stairss to command the disease and lower the hazard of complications. They besides stated some ways of handling diabetes.Diabetess can take to serious complications. such as sightlessness. kidney harm. cardiovascular disease. and lower-limb amputations. but people with diabetes can take down the happening of these and other diabetes complications by commanding blood glucose. blood force per unit area. and blood lipoids. * Many people with type 2 diabetes can command their blood glucose by following a healthy repast program and exercising plan. losing extra weight. and taking unwritten medicine. Some people with type 2 diabetes may besides necessitate insulin to command their blood glucose. * To last. people with type 1 diabetes must hold insulin delivered by injection or a pump. * Among grownups with diagnosed diabetesâ€â€type 1 or type 2â€â€14 percent return insulin merely. 13 per centum take both insulin and unwritten medicine. 57 percent take unwritten medicine merely. and 16 per centum make non take either insulin or unwritten medicine. Med icines for each person with diabetes will frequently alter over the class of the disease. * Many people with diabetes besides need to take medicines to command their cholesterin and blood force per unit area. * Self-management instruction or preparation is a cardinal measure in bettering wellness results and quality of life. It focuses on self-care behaviours. such as healthy feeding. being active. and supervising blood glucose. It is a collaborative procedure in which diabetes pedagogues help people with or at hazard for diabetes gain the cognition and problem-solving and get bying accomplishments needed to successfully self-manage the disease and its related conditions. They besides have some medical specialties for diabetic people Over clip. high degrees of blood glucose. besides called blood sugar. can can do wellness jobs. These jobs include bosom disease. bosom onslaughts. shots. kidney disease. nervus harm. digestive jobs. oculus disease. and tooth and gum jobs. You can assist forestall wellness jobs by maintaining your blood glucose degrees on mark. Everyone with diabetes demands to take nutrients sagely and be physically active. If you can’t make your mark blood glucose degrees with wise nutrient picks and physical activity. you may necessitate diabetes medical specialties. The sort of medical specialty you take depends on your type of diabetes. your agenda. and your other wellness conditions. Diabetes medical specialties help maintain your blood glucose in your mark scope. The mark scope is suggested by diabetes experts and your physician or diabetes pedagogue. See below for more information about mark degrees for good wellness. Medicines for Type 1 Diabetess Type 1 diabetes. one time called juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes. is normally first found in kids. adolescents. or immature grownups. If you have type 1 diabetes. you must take insulin because your organic structure no longer makes it. You besides might necessitate to take other types of diabetes medical specialties that work with insulin. Medicines for Type 2 Diabetess Type 2 diabetes. one time called adult-onset diabetes or noninsulin-dependent diabetes. is the most common signifier of diabetes. It can get down when the organic structure doesn’t usage insulin as it should. a status called insulin opposition. If the organic structure can’t maintain up with the demand for insulin. you may necessitate diabetes medical specialties. Many picks are available. Your physician might order two or more medical specialties. The ADA recommends that most people start with Glucophage. a sort of diabetes pill. Medicines for Gestational Diabetes Gestational diabetes is diabetes that occurs for the first clip during gestation. The endocrines of gestation or a deficit of insulin can do gestational diabetes. Most adult females with gestational diabetes control it with repast planning and physical activity. But some adult females need insulin to make their mark blood glucose degrees. Medicines for Other Types of Diabetes If you have one of the rare signifiers of diabetes. such as diabetes caused by other medical specialties or monogenic diabetes. talk with your physician about what sort of diabetes medicine would be best for you. Types of Diabetes Medicines Diabetess medical specialties come in several signifiers.InsulinIf your organic structure no longer makes adequate insulin. you’ll need to take it. Insulin is used for all types of diabetes. Your physician can assist you make up ones mind which manner of taking insulin is best for you. * Taking injections. You’ll give yourself shootings utilizing a needle and syringe. The syringe is a hollow tubing with a speculator. You will set your dosage of insulin into the tubing. Some people use an insulin pen. which looks like a pen but has a acerate leaf for its point. * Using an insulin pump. An insulin pump is a little machine about the size of a cell phone. worn outside of your organic structure on a belt or in a pocket or pouch. The pump connects to a little plastic tubing and a really little acerate leaf. The acerate leaf is inserted under the tegument and corsets in for several yearss. Insulin is pumped from the machine through the tubing into your organic structure. * Usi ng an insulin jet injector. The jet injector. which looks like a big pen. sends a all right spray of insulin through the tegument with hard-hitting air alternatively of a acerate leaf. What does insulin make?Insulin helps maintain blood glucose degrees on mark by traveling glucose from the blood into your body’s cells. Your cells so use glucose for energy. In people who don’t have diabetes. the organic structure makes the right sum of insulin on its ain. But when you have diabetes. you and your physician must make up ones mind how much insulin you need throughout the twenty-four hours and dark. What are the possible side effects of insulin?Possible side effects include* low blood glucose* weight additionHow and when should I take my insulin?Your program for taking insulin will depend on your day-to-day everyday and your type of insulin. Some people with diabetes who use insulin need to take it two. three. or four times a twenty-four hours to make their blood glucose marks. Others can take a individual shooting. Your physician or diabetes pedagogue will assist you larn how and when to give yourself insulin. Types of Insulin Each type of insulin plants at a different velocity. For illustration. rapid-acting insulin starts to work right after you take it. Long-acting insulin plants for many hours. Most people need two or more types of insulin to make their blood glucose marks. Diabetes Pills Along with repast planning and physical activity. diabetes pills help people with type 2 diabetes or gestational diabetes keep their blood glucose degrees on mark. Several sorts of pills are available. Each plant in a different manner. Many people take two or three sorts of pills. Some people take combination pills. Combination pills contain two sorts of diabetes medicine in one tablet. Some people take pills and insulin. Diabetes pills help people with type 2 diabetes or gestational diabetes keep their blood glucose degrees on mark. Your physician may inquire you to seek one sort of pill. If it doesn’t aid you reach your blood glucose marks. your physician may inquire you to * take more of the same pill * add another sort of pill* alteration to another type of pill* start taking insulin* start taking another injected medical specialtyIf your physician suggests that you take insulin or another injected medical specialty. it doesn’t intend your diabetes is acquiring worse. Alternatively. it means you need insulin or another type of medical specialty to make your blood glucose marks. Everyone is different. What works best for you depends on your usual day-to-day modus operandi. eating wonts. and activities. and your other wellness conditions. Injections Other Than Insulin In add-on to insulin. two other types of injected medical specialties are now available. Both work with insulinâ€â€either the body’s ain or injectedâ€â€to aid maintain your blood glucose from traveling excessively high after you eat. Neither is a replacement for insulin. . Soro-soroEuphorbia nerifolia Linn.COMMON MILK HEDGE VegetationErect. shrubby. branched. heavy. cactus-like works turning to 2-4 metres. Trunk and older subdivisions are grayinsh and cylindric ; medium subdivisions somewhat twisted and stout. heavy. 4- or 5-angled or winged. Departers are heavy. oblong-obovate. 5 to 15 centimeters long ; in immature workss. longer pointed or blunt at the tip. . Stems are spinous. Flowers are lone and short. xanthous or green. DistributionCultivated in gardens as a hedge works. Properties and components Pugrative. rubefacient. expectorator.Surveies have yielded euphorbon. rosin. gun rubber. malate of Ca. among others. Leafs considered diuretic.Latex considered cathartic. diuretic. anthelmintic and antiasthma. Partss usedLeafs. roots and latex. UsesFolkloricRootss have been used for serpent bites.Fluid from roasted foliages used for otalgia.The milky juice used for asthma. cough. earahce. Besides. used as an insect powder. Externally. applied to sores. cysts. warts. and callosities.Juice mixed with tumeric pulverization used for haemorrhoids.By oral cavity. it is a drastic cathartic.For internal usage: decoction or extract of 10 gms for 1 litre of H2O. 2-3 cups daily. Juice of foliages used for convulsive asthma.In India. used for bronchitis. tumours. leukoderma. hemorrhoids. redness. febrility. otalgias. anaemia and ulcers. In Malaya. used for otalgia.In Gallic Guiana. foliages are heated. squeezed. and the salt-cured sap used for wheezing in babes. colds and tummy disturbances. Besides used for septic nails. febrilities. coughs and diabetes in NW Guyana. beginning Surveies†¢ Anaesthetic Activity: Both the alky and aqueous infusions from the fresh root of E nerifolia revealed important anaesthetic activity on intradermic wale in guinea-pig and foot-withdrawal physiological reaction in toad. †¢ Radioprotective / Cytotoxic: Study isolated Euphol from the triterpenoidal sapogenin fraction of E nerifolia foliage which exerted moderate antioxidant activity with extremely important decrease of gamma radiation-induced chromosomal aberrances. It besides showed cytotoxic activity on melanoma cell lines. Results provide scientific footing for claimed anticarcinogenic usage. †¢ Wound Mending: In a research for lesion healing drugs. E nerifolia was one of the Ayurvedic medicinal plantsfrom Ayurvedic medicative workss found to be effectual in carnal theoretical accounts. †¢ Triterpene: Study isolated a new triterpene from the foliages and roots of Euphorbia nerifolia – glut-5 ( 10 ) -en-1-one.
Monday, December 2, 2019
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